Anonymous ID: 4d265a Oct. 7, 2018, 6:47 p.m. No.3387594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7614 >>7653 >>7673 >>7676 >>7735 >>7802 >>8004 >>8080

Dems Latest Scheme: ‘Balance’ Supreme Court by Adding Two Liberal Judges


NEW YORK — Following the confirmation of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh, some Democrats and progressive activists are shifting tactics, pushing a scheme to “pack” or “balance” the Supreme Court by adding two new seats to be filled by liberal judges. The Supreme Court expansion plot would be enacted if Democrats retake Congress and the presidency in 2020, according to the plan.


On Saturday, Vice’s West Coast editor Harry Cheadle referenced the plot in a piece titled, “We’re Watching the Slow Poisoning of the Supreme Court.”


He wrote:


Chatter of impeaching Kavanaugh was floating around, and some have taken to imagining a scenario where the Democrats retake Congress and the White House in 2020 but have their progressive legislation blocked by the Supreme Court. The only way forward then, the argument goes, would be appointing extra justices to “pack” the court—a scheme proposed by Franklin Roosevelt in response to a similarly right-wing Supreme Court in the 30s (FDR’s plan was rejected by Congress, but the court became friendlier to his policies anyway).


On Sunday, featured an interview with political scientist David Faris, who advocated in a recently published book for Democrats to pack the Supreme Court with as many liberal judges as they can. Farris branded the plan the “neutron option for the Supreme Court.”


Cheadle himself previously summarized Faris’s arguments thusly:


[It] would involve first proposing a constitutional amendment to end lifetime tenure on the court and pushing a proposal to let each president pick two justices per term, a compromise that Faris hopes would “end the court wars.” He suspects Republicans wouldn’t go for that, however, so he’d advise the next Democratic president to just “pack” the court as FDR tried to do in 1937 before Congress rose up against him and prevented it. That would involve passing a bill to expand the size of the court and allowing the president to appoint however many justices would be needed to create a new liberal majority, with the friendly Senate signing off on any appointee. (This would be legal, Faris points out, because there’s nothing in the Constitution stipulating the size of the court, which has in fact fluctuated in the past.)


Indiana Law professor and podcaster Ian Samuel, meanwhile, advocated for such a plan to become a new progressive catch phrase, tweeting, “‘Pack the courts’ should be a phrase on par with ‘abolish ICE.'”


Huffington Post senior reporter Zach Carter followed with a piece titled, “Hey, Democrats: Pack The Court.” “‘Eleven Justices’ is the next ‘Abolish ICE,’” was the subtitled of the article.


Writing at on Sunday, political science professor Scott Lemieux opined that “Democrats are now much more likely to mobilize against an even more conservative court.”




1. ATTACK OPPOSITION = FAIL (attempt anarchy)

2. ATTACK INDIVIDUAL = FAIL (attempt anarchy)


Anonymous ID: 4d265a Oct. 7, 2018, 6:51 p.m. No.3387646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Confirmed: Hack Reporter Molly McKew Who Pens Hit Pieces on Gateway Pundit & Conservative Activists Is Exposed as Paid Foreign Agent, Podesta Operative


Molly McKew, a far-left Russia-Gate conspiracy theorist who has written multiple hit-pieces against The Gateway Pundit, Cassandra Fairbanks, Jack Posobiec, Mike Cernovich and other conservatives, is a registered agent of the Georgian government operating inside the United States.


According to Foreign Agents Registration Act filings, Molly McKew has acted inside the United States on behalf of the anti-Russian Georgian government under the guise of a consulting company known as Fianna Strategies, LLC.

Anonymous ID: 4d265a Oct. 7, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.3387981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7994 >>8003 >>8112 >>8154

SDF Security Forces Attack Syrian Army Once Again, This Time In Western Aleppo


On October 7, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) closed the Taiha crossing between the town of Manbij and the city of Aleppo following clashes with security forces of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), according to the Syrian pro-government news outlet Damascus Now.


Syrian opposition sources confirmed Damascus Now report and said that at least one soldier of the SAA’s 4th Division was killed during the clashes. According to the sources, the SDF closed a crossing with the government-held areas in the governorate of Deir Ezzor few hours after the closure of the Taiha crossing.


Last month, the SDF’s security forces killed more than eleven personnel of the Syrian Military Intelligence in the northern city of Qamishli after accusing them of entering their part of the city without permission. Later, the SDF’s political wing expressed its regrets and an investigation was launched into the incident.


The SDF’s security forces and the Damascus government have not commented on the clashes in the Taiha crossing so far. This likely mean that both sides want to solve this new problem away from the media as they did many times before.


NOTE In my Syria update a few days back I noted the SDF had been "advancing on ISIS" in the Euphrates valley for 3 weeks but with no progress??? That makes sense! Now this, as stated previously these are CABAL backed NOT white hats

Anonymous ID: 4d265a Oct. 7, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.3388075   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As with the recent deployment of 1000 marines to Al tanf I believe the marines are there to take control from the black hats. Within days of the above deployment there was talk of a peace deal with the SAA and terrorist attacks ceased.


I think the Euphrates valley is a lot more complicated as the black hat forces are distributed and not solely under one entities banner. There is also a lot of natural resources and religious artifacts in the Euphrates valley which may also be a factor.