Anonymous ID: 61edd7 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.3387462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7510 >>7554


Finally the JIDF and the dumb easily led Anons should stop the Taylor Swift love. The bitch was Cabal the whole time. Anyone with a brain could of figured it out. Yet the Jew let her be a false whites right poster girl in case it could ever be of use. And now the shit is so much hitting the fan they are forced to throw this chip into the pot. They are playing for their very lives and no use leaving an asset unused…..its now or never.

Anonymous ID: 61edd7 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:44 p.m. No.3387565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7581 >>7701 >>8091


The Melania hat and matching white suit is a not subtle statement that she is a Magician. In tarot the Magician is basically God. The one who creates the thought. Before all action there must be inspiration. The thought.


That is the Magician.

God creates with his mind.


White Wizards are always portrayed with a pointed hat. This is basically the same.


They are saying they are magicians on the side of good.

Anonymous ID: 61edd7 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:51 p.m. No.3387643   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Jews wanted a visual spectacle of lots and lots of Jumpers. Hundreds if not thousands jumped that day. Some MKultra in the towers even performed Tarot card visuals on the way down like the Hanged Man guy.


It was a grand day celebration and no silly or funny joke that could be pulled on the Goy that day was skipped. This was the once in a generation chance to put on a grand death show. Like the Gladiator Games of old Rome. Make death a cinematic event using all the Jews aquirred Movie Magick.


Good times

Anonymous ID: 61edd7 Oct. 7, 2018, 7 p.m. No.3387732   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She is Anton Lavays daughters clone.


I am 75% leaning this way. Lavay's daughter could sing and looks just like Taylor. So close that a little plastic surgery as a kid could easily make it less obvious. Got to keep up that plausible deniability in your tricks. The Elite love this cuckoo's egg sending out offspring into other families to hide the connections. It is how the Rothschilds set up their system.

Anonymous ID: 61edd7 Oct. 7, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.3387812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7832 >>7853 >>7874 >>7979 >>8001


Before you dismiss remember all media is a chance to spin you. The Jews treat media as a chance to trick you.


They also have a love of bloodlines and hiding those bloodlines. Aleister Crowley was special to them. They loved Barbara Bush because they knew she was the MoonChild of Aleister.


Anton Lavay was loved by the Satanist. They honored his efforts with some interesting fuckery. David Navarro is his Moonchild.


Anton Lavays daughter was quite the good singer. Pure Satanist but could sing.


Everything is a fucking game to these people.


They thought you would follow the stars. It is why all the stars say the same shit. They are in lockstep. The powers that be owned them totally.


Media is just a chance to show off their newest Magick tricks.

Anonymous ID: 61edd7 Oct. 7, 2018, 7:15 p.m. No.3387921   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you can not see the obvious by now blinded by some remaining Left Wing Feminism your beyond help.


The left tried turning women into warriors with the pink haired pussy hat wearing shrills.

These creatures are no match for real manhood. The Male is just the biological driven protector. It is obvious in the size differences between men and women. All animals that have a 20% larger size for the males are driven to compete over the females.


In a war you need aggression. You need protector motivation. The Marines smartly knew they needed to make a home for hyper masculiniity. Not for some silly tit showing contest but to keep people entertained. You cant preach all day dire and horrible facts and expect people to come back over and over. You throw in funny memes for humor. You throw in tits for arrousal and entertainment. You throw in nigger and faggot over and over to weed out the people too caught up in PC culture.


Not personal but it is easier to save the world with young smart driven men.


Women can come. We love women. But we are not changing for some PC bullshit.