Anonymous ID: 9216ed Oct. 7, 2018, 6:33 p.m. No.3387427   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>McLean took the polygraph!

Holy shit you're right! Look at that handwriting, too - just as schizo as Christy (kid voice/vocal fry). Look at what she wrote and then scribbled over... What a barely coherent statement.



Anonymous ID: 9216ed Oct. 7, 2018, 6:50 p.m. No.3387616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7695 >>7826 >>7917 >>8013 >>8016 >>8080 >>8142


>How will these people be reached & ever change their views?


Use THEIR faces (hipsters, black, latino, blue-hair land whales, crazy old cat ladies, etc.)

Use THEIR words/terms/lingo/slang

Use THEIR ideals

Use THEIR fears/hopes/dreams

Make it come from someone in their own in-group (a peer)

Make it okay for them to dissent, to #walkaway, to #wakeup, to THINK FOR THEMSELVES

Make it okay for them to choose differently than they have before

Make it okay for them to relax

Make it okay for them to feel good about their life looking better



baiting them personally

bashing them personally

belittling them personally

pointing out their own -personal- hypocrisy


NO ONE likes being used - they are being used.

Don't attack them personally, attack those who are USING them, and in reality, are actually oppressing them (i.e., dem leaders)


Use all the psychological tools & tricks - this is THEIR country, too and when things get better their lives get better too.


This WORKS, and it works very well.

That's why advertisers use it. That's why they spent millions of $$ developing campaigns to target a group, and use repetition

-short phrases

plant the seed

-personalize it

peer group, personal fear/hope/dream/concerns


they want desperately to "belong" - give them that (others in my group are thinking this, I can, too)


they love to ACT, and feel they have an effect, give them something to do that be that "changemaker" (vote R)

-they want to feel SMART & SAVVY

trick them into thinking it's their idea, and other smart people are thinking/doing this



They love "inclusiveness" make the message come from INSIDE their group and use those terms above


Use psychology, use everything at our disposal

Anonymous ID: 9216ed Oct. 7, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.3387813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7862 >>7917 >>8082


These things really do work. I've made many memes that went really far on jewbook. Older friend of mine who is not political on there looked at my folder of memes and gasped that he had seen all but 4 (out of over 25). Also don't discount that a lot of older people who may not be active on social media DO have email lists and send stuff around - especially older people. Hell my mom does and I've seen here that one anon's grandma sent him a meme he had just seen posted here an hour or so earlier!!


(((They))) have millions of $$ in budgets and highly paid consultants/designers/advertisers working for them AND WE OUTSHINE & OUTSMART THEM.


We should absolutely use everything at our disposal - because this really is war. Memetic warfare is real (NATO did a seminar on it!) and our MIL knows it too. WE are the external meme-warfare factory.


The BEST propaganda is TRUE.

Anonymous ID: 9216ed Oct. 7, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.3387886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7926


>on my own hard drive. Haven't archived anywhere else.

Please, ALWAYS archive live pages before posting here, even if you save it to your machine/external hdd!

NOT archiving online allows for the material to be altered/edited/deleted, with only your screenshot as evidence.

It is very, very easy to fake those screenshots or alter them, which would of course be their defense.

This is a fight for the entire world, and these fuckers play dirty. The least we can do is document their actions in a manner accessible to everyone, as evidence.

free, easy, fast.


Always archive!

Please :)

Anonymous ID: 9216ed Oct. 7, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.3388127   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Very glad to help!

>their faces

hipsters (the bearded ones, the multicolored hair ones, piercings, hippies, feminists)


blacks (male & female)

old hippies/cat ladies


>their ideals

they want "inclusion", "fairness," to "be heard" their opinions [ironically not their own, but leave that aside] to be respected and count for something

they want their experiences to mean something to someone, anyone who will listen and respect them

they want to have some effect in their life (action and make an impact in the world)


>their fears

they are afraid they are useless

they are afraid that they are impotent, except their rage & violence

they are deeply afraid of failure in life

(having to live with parents b/c they cannot afford life on their own and are saddled with enormous college debt)

they are afraid of being alone

(the D's have so atomized society that everyone is relegated to smaller and smaller identity groups)

they are afraid for their future

(enormous debt and the responsibility to pay it off - lack of job prospects to do that)

they are afraid of their fellow citizens

(partially due to the atomization of identities/groups - they actually fear violence from us, while they are prepare to be violent to us)

they are afraid that they are going to be victimized if R's control government

(they actually have a physically-felt reaction of fear when someone disagrees with them - like a physical attack on their person)


>their hopes

they hope they can pay off their debt

they hope they can have as good a life as their parents

they hope they can make their mark on history

they hope they are smart, savvy, intelligent and successful

(not unlike us or any normal person)

they hope they are in the "correct" group

(identity politics and atomization makes this very, very stressful)

they hope to be loved for who they are

(they don't know who they are)

they hope they are taken seriously, like an adult

(they are grown children and think & behave as such)


>their dreams

to do well in life

to not be alone

to be successful, respected and loved


As far as using images/personages to use - I just looked up different groups (black women, latino couple, annoyed woman, confused man, etc) and used either stock photographs (with no branding/watermark) or real-life photos online. Then those are used to speak to that group - it will be coming from a familiar face. I looked up phrases for each group

>who you callin' a bot?!?



Here are a few examples from different themes. Other anons probably have better and can show you more.

I like the mascot one - that's very good, although I would change it to "our mascot" instead of "their mascot" since that seems like it is coming from one's own peer-group.


Hope this helps!