Anonymous ID: 9f9d80 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.3387418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Last month actor Ashton Kutcher testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee touting his foundation for rescuing child trafficking victims around the globe after Homeland Security contacted him pleading his assistance in tracking down dark web perps, as if the feds’ deep pocketed DARPA that came up with the internet long before Google don’t have the technological capacity to track down the bad guys. The actor dramatically claimed that his hi-tech company Thorn, started by his now ex-wife Demi Moore and him contains the [likely AI] software logarithm that permits law enforcement to prioritize sex offender caseloads to track down traffickers. His company is funded by Google, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon, all the same companies that ban even talking about pedophilia. At one point during the congressional hearing, Ashton Kutcher blows a kiss to his favorite politician Senator John McCain, suggesting they’re more than just a passing acquaintance. That’s because Kutcher is a board member on the McCain’s Foundation, a think tank with a stated objective of combating child sex trafficking.


Only McCain’s organization is under current investigation for misallocating funds for providing zero donations toward anti-trafficking. More than one government insider has fingered McCain as a suspected pedophile, alleged to be on the pending FBI arrest list. Among Trump’s most venomous enemies, John McCain may well be Trump’s bullseye target for most wanted in his swamp draining operation. Additionally, several of McCain’s key campaign staffers have been convicted of pedophilia and sexual misconduct and McCain himself has a long controversial history of corruption and treasonous aiding and abetting the enemy, caught yucking it up in photo-ops with known terrorist leaders after illegal visits to their headquarters.


Another notably revealing story making the rounds is a recent episode from Dr. Phil’s show featuring a woman who calls herself Kendall. She disclosed that her parents sold her at birth to a rich and powerful owner who as a member of the elite for many years used her for pedophiles to sexually abuse as his sex slave. Her owner would hire makeup artists and furnish her with fashionable attire just to hide the reality that she was an orphaned sex slave. Constantly raped since birth before she could even speak, Kendall was regularly tortured as a forced participant in sadistic satanic rituals involving child sacrifice. She grew up thinking it was normal for children to be brutally assaulted for adult sexual gratification and describes herself being kept in a cage observing other kids in cages sold to highest bidders.


Kendall stated that similar to the film Hunger Games (another Lions Gate release), children are actually hunted down like animals for sport by the rich, then systematically caught and raped. As a woman currently in her late twenties, only three years ago Kendall managed to escape from her horrific life in chronic bondage. Her appearance on mainstream television serves an important function of bringing increasing levels of public awareness to the worldwide PedoGate phenomenon of child sexual slavery and global human trafficking.