Anonymous ID: b839cf Oct. 7, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.3387679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7706 >>7717 >>7766 >>7802 >>7817 >>8004 >>8080 >>8115

I was listening to one of the cable networks earlier, CNN, I think it was.

A relative of the family killed in the limo accident was telling what happened. What I thought I heard was that the limo they were in initially and the company brought another to them during the ride.

The one that arrived to transport them the rest of the way was a dilapidated old vehicle that was making all kinds of noise. In fact, the relative said that one of the woman victims actually called her sister and told her that the vehicle was so bad that she seriously did not think they would survive the ride.

That stirs my suspicion when one of the earliest accounts said that the crash sounded almost like an explosion.

So, if you were going to kill some people in car crash, would you not want to make sure it was one of your old clunkers that had problems anyway.


Also, the brothers killed worked at GLOBAL FOUNDRIES.

Global Foundries makes computer chips,

Obama visited Global Foundries.


Anonymous ID: b839cf Oct. 7, 2018, 7:04 p.m. No.3387790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7837 >>7845


Here’s what we know about the 20 people killed on Saturday.


• The limousine was rented by Axel and Amy Steenburg, newlyweds from Amsterdam, N.Y., who had married over the summer, according to Lester Andrews, Axel Steenburg’s stepfather. The group of friends had gathered to celebrate Amy Steenburg’s 30th birthday.



• Three of her sisters, Mary Dyson, Allison King and Abby Jackson, also died in the car crash, relatives said. Axel’s brother, Rich Steenburg, was also killed and is survived by his 10-year-old daughter and 14-year-old stepson. The Steenburg brothers both worked for GlobalFoundries, a foundry that produces semiconductors.


• Two other victims were also recently married: Erin and Shane McGowan. Rocco Semprivivo said his stepdaughter, Erin McGowan, had dated Shane McGowan for a few years before marrying at St. Mary’s Church in Amsterdam in June. She had worked at St. Mary’s Hospital in Amsterdam and was studying for her master’s degree in special education. Mr. Semprivivo said that one of the other passengers who was killed, Patrick Cushing, was Ms. McGowan’s’s cousin. “She was just such a pretty girl,” Mr. Semprivivo said of his stepdaughter before hanging up.


• The victims were a tight-knit group of friends, most of them in their 30s, that had been recently married or had young children, according to Erin Flaherty, a mutual friend who lives in Manhattan. “They were together multiple times a week always hanging out,” said Ms. Flaherty, noting they threw many backyard parties.


• A GoFundMe page was created to cover the future college expenses for the children of Adam and Abby Jackson, who were among the victims. The couple is survived by a 4-year-old son and a 16-month-old daughter.

Anonymous ID: b839cf Oct. 7, 2018, 7:15 p.m. No.3387927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7973 >>8004 >>8080


>wonder if it has to do with Chinese spy chips on chips that was in the news a few days back

