Anonymous ID: d8610e Oct. 7, 2018, 6:38 p.m. No.3387478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7643 >>7964

>>3386109 (PB)


The U.S. military developed a non-lethal crowd control weapon system called the Active Denial System (ADS). It uses radio frequency millimeter waves in the 95GHz range to penetrate the top 1/64 of an inch layer of skin on the targeted individual, instantly producing an intolerable heating sensation that causes them to flee.


Anons, this was described regarding jumpers from the World Trade Towers during 9/11 - one man hanging from a window, trying to remove his pants; a woman who phoned her husband and said she was heading down the stairs, but two floors down ran and jumped out a window. That article suggested these people were targeted with high energy radiation that caused them to feel they were burning up.