Anonymous ID: e7aa2c Oct. 7, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.3388041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8080

>>3387970 Trump Wants Chinese Parts Out Of American Weapons


(moar sauce from article)

Top defense officials said last week that the Pentagon intends to invest in domestic manufacturing to reduce it over-reliance on Chinese and other foreign-made parts in American weapons.


The Pentagon's reliance on China is a major topic discussed in a new report about the overall status of the defense industrial base that President Trump is scheduled to release. Some other areas include "accelerating workforce development efforts to grow domestic science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and critical trade skills," said Defense One.

According to Defense One, the new report says China is the only manufacturer of various chemicals needed in missiles and bombs, Europe and Japan are the only supplies of certain carbon fibers used in missiles, satellites, and rockets; Germany is the sole supplier of high-tech vacuum tubes for night vision goggles.