Anonymous ID: 676ba9 Oct. 7, 2018, 8:50 p.m. No.3389217   🗄️.is 🔗kun


  1. stop namefagging, nigger

  2. ARCHIVE before posting at


free, fast, easy - just plop the link in and BAM! archived. Then post archived link.

  1. report it yourself to Secret Service or new-and-improved FBI


I did the first link for you

Anonymous ID: 676ba9 Oct. 7, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.3389396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9446 >>9449 >>9468 >>9508



All of Chinese history is a fight between 2 sides. One side is cabal (on its own and works with the cabal we're fighting now), the other side is not and has always respected and worked with us. Sometimes the cabal side has the upper hand, sometimes the other side does.


The Chinese know exactly who waged the Opium Wars on them, and they are connected to the ones who foisted Communism on China. If you didn't know, look up the Sassoon family WRT Opium Wars and their "reward". That side is evil. The other side has had to bide its time to fight back and tip the scales away from Communism/cabal.


When these two sides go at it (hot war) blood flows, and it flows deep. The people of China will put up with all sorts of crazy, oppressive, ridiculous bullshit because of that. When they go to war with each other, millions upon millions die.



This is a keyword in almost all public speeches in Asia. Stability is balance (of power), it is peace (absence of hot bloody warfare). It is not freedom as we know it, but that is not something important to Asians as they are all collectivist by (social) nature.


China is not and has not been "communist" in the way we understand it for some time. They of course play the long game and will take decades or centuries to change something, and that's fine with them. But the world is moving very quickly now and that forces them to act faster than they are comfortable doing. We don't see or hear 95% of what goes on, here or there or anywhere.


China has a public central bank, but they stupidly pegged their currency to the USD, so they are still enslaved to the Rothschilds in that way, but one side is the same and so that was by design. This is one reason this (better side) is working to free itself from the USD (which is essentially Rothschild/jewish controlled debt-slavery) via BRICs (South Africa doesn't count anymore, so lowercase s)


Learn and read The New Great Game and remember

>long game

decades to some centuries/millennia to others

>every country (leader) has to do what is best for their own country/people

>leader may or may not actually represent his people

>leader may, like ours, have to maneuver the minefield of cabal-ists/bad actors in order to truly do what is best for his country/people

>all warfare is deception

Anonymous ID: 676ba9 Oct. 7, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.3389593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9675


>they much prefer wealth and "stability" to freedom.

Exactly, they don't care about freedom, it is alien to them and not relevant. Other key point you mentioned

>human rights

are also alien to them, they cannot be "shamed" in human rights court or the UN. They just give zero fucks. Africans will eventually wish they never kicked YT out, because the Chinese will just line them up and gun them down if they get uppity or cause trouble.



Have tried to explain this to anons periodically (since we all come & go) but I'm very serious - The New Great Game is a blogspot blog that is very good (especially focus on the "stans" and Eurasia) to help understand the interrelationships of the different countries/interactions. You cannot understand Russia's policies, China's or India's without this information. China and India have the oldest contiguous border in the world. China has never once crossed it, but India has.



> 'Unrestricted Warfare'

Thanks, I'll look it up



Yes, I've seen this before - very, very interesting. I remember when it first came out. What do you think of it?

Anonymous ID: 676ba9 Oct. 7, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.3389650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, people on the fence need to be first convinced that the news is fake. Do these memes convince them? As far as they know, the only people calling news "fake" are the enemy.


how about, instead, a series that says, with their own peer groups' faces

>Democrat party doesn't represent me anymore, I've decided to #walkaway

>I don't like being insulted and manipulated. I'm also going to #walkaway

Something like that, maybe?