Anonymous ID: d0fdc1 Oct. 7, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.3389043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9074 >>9278


I was right all along. Jews need pogroms. Jews likely create the climate for pogroms. The elite Satanic Jews likely start and encourage the pogroms. Must keep the Jews scared. Cant let them assimilate or they might have divided loyalties when the top jews want to run some elaborate scam on the local goy populations. Too much fucking outside your inbred group leads to possibly liking other humans….and you can not have that if your goal is to steal everything another culture produces with their sweat and labor.


Jews are mind control experts….but first they must control the normie Jews.


Their whole religion is built on scamming. It is in their Torah. Usury for others but never for the Jews themselves. Grifters

Anonymous ID: d0fdc1 Oct. 7, 2018, 8:50 p.m. No.3389222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9470


Ha….Saudi Arabia is Dohmen Crypto Jew. The Jews run Saudi Arabia. Israel and Saudi Arabia are cousins…..or so the King of Saudi Arabia stated in 1967 in an interview to a Western Media.


Israel was created by the UK at the same time the Uk created Saudi Arabia. It is not by accident. The House of Saud is riding a tiger they can not get off. They have to maintain control or they will be destroyed and eaten by the Muslim Hordes they rule over.


The King of Jordan is a Jew. Look into his mother the last King of Jordan and the CIA and when and how they made him heir. It was not meant to be….but he changed his heir in a American Military Hospital near DC.


Jews run Jordan. Saudi Arabia and they ran Isis.


Greater Israel was almost here. It was in effect in all but a little territory. The Jews did almost rule from the Nile to the Eurphates River.


9/11 the Jew flag. Greater Israel. Americans killing Muslims for the betterment of a EuroTurkish Tribe of Grifters claiming to be Jews.

Anonymous ID: d0fdc1 Oct. 7, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.3389393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9465


The House of Saud Royal Family is Genetically Jewish. And the top people in that Dynasty know it. They gained control of Saudi Arabia with the help of the British Empire which was by 1917 dominated totally by Jews. Israel was given its start and even had the Balfour Agreement signed for payment to the Jews for mind fucking the Americans into killing White People in Europe for the Jews to make money off of.


At some point you have to realize that even if it is not all Jews….the world has a horrible Jew problem. The Jews are causing chaos for the shekels and the fun of destruction and every single bit of their group power must be smashed entirely and forever.

Anonymous ID: d0fdc1 Oct. 7, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.3389474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9494


Q has to move the Overton Window on the Jew Question. It is a fact. It had to happen. It is where this is going. So deal with it. We have to have a very deep and thorough study of all things Jew. To understand their scams and crimes and motivations. To figure out how many are so called normie Jews and how much are total Cabal criminals. The Jew Question is paramount and the main reason for Q to exist.


But Q will never name the Jew. They do not have to. They will just arrest the criminally guilty and let the people of the world see who is on trial. And at some point people will have a moment of realization "wow that is a lot of fucking Jews" and like magic they will red pill themselves.


And Q will maintain plausible deniablity to the very end. KEK….see how Q is going to do it?

Anonymous ID: d0fdc1 Oct. 7, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.3389530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9551


It is a tell. The Jews hold themselves to be special. It is a tell that it is the Jews. At the very fucking bottom it is the Jews. Sure every race and ethnic group has race traitors working with and for the Jews. But the only ones trusted with the banks, the media the vaccines the big pharma the CIA created Google, FB and Twitter are Jews.


It is the Jews. Its a fact.