ARPANET was the military name for connected nodes, i.e. early Internet. When it arrived at the Universities, it was called JANET.
Was that the origin of the name for Janet Airlines, the planes that serve Area 51?
ARPANET was the military name for connected nodes, i.e. early Internet. When it arrived at the Universities, it was called JANET.
Was that the origin of the name for Janet Airlines, the planes that serve Area 51?
The only military plane over CONUS at the moment, a C-17 landing at Bangor, Maine.
Saudi C-130 just showed up on radar.
Gitmo arrivals tables are blank at the moment. One Chasqui flight scheduled to return from Gitmo later, but that's all.
Appears to be headed for Washington, so could be going to Andrews. I'm tracking it.
I keep thinking of this.
"When your yogurt's got bits, that just get on your tits, it's granola.."
Possibly repatriating gold..? (speculation)
I am aware of military exercises going on in the US at the moment, but this lone plane does stand out a lot.
Another C-17 left Andrews a short time ago.
Taylor Swift comes out on the side of the Demoncrats. Colour me surprised about that, not.
Maybe we need to revisit the Taylor Swift memes.
Another C-17 left McGuire AFB, possibly on an intercept with the Saudi flight. Monitoring.
Maybe with some Timbits? Tim Horton's coffee rocks!
Roger that. C-17 from McGuire is changing course, looking more like an escort flight as time passes.
Coffee may have been cut with chicory to reduce the cost. I've come across that before.
The Saudi flight is on final into Dover AFB.
The C-17 from earlier that left McGuire AFB is headed to Andrews,
The dates are wrong on the file names, they should read 8 October. Typo error.
Update on RCH354 from earlier today.
Three C-17 flights in the air right now.
Anyone who has won a Kalergi Prize should be strung up. No deals.
No no no, that's 'Embracing Diversity'. Calling it discrimination will only result in counter claims of anti-semitism. Funny how that only works one way, isn't it?
How many people wear seat belts in limos, besides the driver? They died on impact and one of the passengers took out the driver.
She's definitely in the no-go zone of the hot/crazy matrix. Pink haired harpy and bigly cray cray.
>you faggots always bitching about stuff not happening on your timetable literally sound like whiny ass welfare recipients
Millennials and the Playstation Generation. They have no patience whatsoever, it has to be instant gratification.
We aren't in control of the time line and never were, so kicking off because things aren't happening fast enough for you is pointless.
Calm down and enjoy the show.
Take your pick.
Creppy - that's a spoopy word and perfectly crumulent.
Four C-17s in the air, including one that appears to have been inbound from Hawaii.
Trips confirm.
Good for 2-stroke racing engines too.