>On the Q-Clock
>RED OCTOBER follows HRC Arrest
On Wednesday October 17th, a new storm called 'Michael' will land in the US.
Well, I'm not a biblefag, but find it very peculiar that on the exact same date (Oct.17th) the Red October Antifa insurgence is 'predicted' on the Q-Clock falls together when the Storm 'Michael' arrives
Is this storm named after Archangel Michael, fighting in the battle against Satan and his rebel angels?
"Archangel Michael commands God's army against Satan's forces in the Book of Revelation. It is during the war in heaven Archangel Michael conquers Satan."
In addition to the Q-Clock post 'October 17th Red October', I earlier made two other Clock graphs with a T-2 EAS warning alert which would/should be the day before; October 16th.
Next to that, the previous storm (Florence) arrived exactly 30 days before Oct.17th, or a direct mirror date on the Clock. Was that a 'test run'? How can one predict storms with such accuracy? I can only guess it's just a 'part of the plan'.