Anonymous ID: 22716e Oct. 8, 2018, 4:33 a.m. No.3392106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2112 >>2113 >>2135


Slow morning…so gather round kids while I tell you a story…a story about the roots of the anonymous movement!


It started back in the late 80's and early 90's when Microsoft was charging more and more for software. A group of anonymous hackers decided that they could do better and formered a movement called the "gnu" movement. There intent was to "open source" Microsoft.


And..they did. The Gnu movement was open source and was worked on by hundred if not thousands of programs. Linux, Firefox, Open Office, many Unix tools, all started with this movement…


Anons are POWERFUL when we all get to together and change things ;-)

Anonymous ID: 22716e Oct. 8, 2018, 4:50 a.m. No.3392156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2220 >>2691 >>2772

Goodbye ACLU…


"So why did the American Civil Liberties Union oppose a Republican nominee to the Supreme Court and argue for a presumption of guilt regarding sexual allegations directed against that judicial nominee? The answer is as clear as it is simple. It is all about pleasing the donors. The ACLU used to be cash poor but principle-rich. Now, ironically, after Trump taking office, the ACLU has never become so cash-rich, yet principle-poor.


The problem is that most of the money is not coming from civil libertarians who care about free speech, due process, the rights of the accused and defending the unpopular. It is coming from radical leftists in Hollywood, Silicon Valley and other areas not known for a deep commitment to civil liberties.


The old ACLU would never have been silent when Michael Cohen's office was raided by the FBI and his clients' files seized; it would have yelled foul when students accused of sexual misconduct were tried by kangaroo courts; and it surely would have argued against a presumption of guilt regarding sexual allegations directed against a judicial nominee.


When the ACLU's national political director and former Democratic Party operative Faiz Shakir was asked why the ACLU got involved in the Kavanaugh confirmation fight, he freely admitted, "People have funded us and I think they expect a return."

Anonymous ID: 22716e Oct. 8, 2018, 4:53 a.m. No.3392175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2189 >>2225 >>2780


+1 on possible link to "training" and being "trained"…


Stanford is ripe with fuckery…

Free energy fuckery

Mind control fuckery

Remote viewing fuckery

Remote influence fuckery

MK fuckery


Pick your poison…but with you anon, she is MORE than what we are being presented with…