Anonymous ID: 692c57 Oct. 8, 2018, 6:15 a.m. No.3392658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fellow Anons, I’ve something to share – I think I have the formula to how these SJWs heads operate. It is my hope that at the very least, exposing how they work will allow people to resist their influence… and possibly even allow us to neutralize it and deprogram them so maybe we're at each other's throats less.


I am not an accredited social scientist or otherwise formally trained in studying human behavior. However, after many hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours arguing with and observing them on social media and in person, I gained certain insights into the whole “formula” they follow. I swear, it’s a pseudo-religion, and the activist groups operate like cults.


Before I start, I’d like to point out that NOT ALL people who may claim to be affiliated with or supporters of these causes are “in the cult” or under the full spell – some folks may share some of their opinions (and thus don’t get attacked) but aren’t full SJW-mode for the cause. Many people pay lip service to the sacred cows just to get a pass from their friends, and may share the sentiment and generally agree but not wish to invest their time and energy in it.


When business is slow and the cult leaders start talking shit to hype up the crowd, and playing ideological purity test litmus games, the ones at the edges are the ones usually caught up in ideological traps and pushed out for being reasonable (or who discreetly distance themselves if they’re smart). These are probably the easiest people to pull away, and they may help us pull more people out of the swamp (or act as lifelines for them to pull themselves out).


So, without further ado, the Recipe for SJW Stew:


Ingredients = Well-Meaning Losers (preferably lonely, insecure and/or guilt-ridden ones), 1 (or more) Sacred Cows, 1 Can of Outrage, 1 Can of Sanctimony, 1 “Monster Hunting License”, Season Liberally with Cherry-Picked Facts & Manipulated Statistics. Heat With Constant Attention to / Contact with Ideological Enemies, Stir Constantly.


#1: Their Sacred Cows: they don’t actually care about them – they are merely vehicles by which they can advance their ideological objectives. This is why they resist any logical attempt to actually solve the problem they claim to be bitching about – it’s their way or the highway.


For example, the Anti-Gun crowd screams about the children and “gun deaths” as a means to try to ban “assault weapons”, but when you point out that 2/3 of their “gun death” statistic is suicide (and Everytown ain’t focused on suicide prevention), and when it comes to the 1/3 that’s homicide, 70%+ are done by handguns (largely in the ‘hood, might I add)… and less than 2% are done with rifles of ALL kinds, including so-called “assault” models. Suggest focusing on handgun crime and suicide? Insta-ban.


#2: Their Targets: they don’t actually hate (or care about solving) the Social Ills affecting their Sacred Cows – hating the sin is just an excuse to hate and sneer down on the sinner. The real issue is that these degenerate deplorables need to repent and bow before us and let us control their behavior and the acceptable bounds of thought / debate.


Again with the Guns example: they don’t care whether a given anti-gun law actually makes it harder for a psychopath or criminal to kill people. When presented with FBI statistics showing that magazine capacity limits have negligible impact (Cho/VA Tech shooter used only 10-round magazines in 2 handguns, he just reloaded more frequently) they don’t care. Likewise when shown that the AR is functionally no different than many other rifles that they don’t care about – if it pisses off gun owners and makes them have to jump through extra hoops and another step on the way to total ban, it’s a Good Thing.


FYI, I've had to break this into parts - too much text. Part 2 follows momentarily:

Anonymous ID: 692c57 Oct. 8, 2018, 6:15 a.m. No.3392660   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part 2: More Insights


#3: Their Ideological Structure: Original Sin to fight against internally and an external Devil: all SJW causes have them, just by different names. For the radical feminists, it’s Toxic Masculinity and the Patriarchy; for the radical environmentalists, it’s our “Ecological Footprint” (and I think Humanity itself is the “devil” for them). Anti-Gun’s original sin is our internal drive to aggression, and the Devil is usually the NRA… you can fill in the rest, I’m sure.


#4: It's not about solving problems, it's about conditioning conformity, both inside the group and out. This is done by policing the acceptable barriers of thought, and if one crosses a line, using threats (private or public, veiled or not) to intimidate, and if this doesn't work, applying appropriate enemy labels to designate them for attack and sounding the alarm.


#5: Their enforcement mechanisms heavily rely on the practice of ritual defamation - calling out all their target's friends and family against them to deprive them of any source of support (for an in-depth description of the phenomenon, see this article - -).


#6: The self-appointed sanctimonious moral outrage police on the Left operate on the exact same framework as the self-appointed sanctimonious moral outrage police on the Right. Strip their language of its identifiers and it lines right up with each other. It’s like if you look at a war, and you strip the sides of their uniforms and flags and other identifiers, what they’re doing is basically the same thing.


#7: Criticisms of one ideological group can be stripped down and repurposed to attack other groups with a little creativity. It’s a bit like how the Kurds fighting ISIS do with captured MT-LB’s or M113 APCs – take a good framework and bolt the appropriate weapons for the job on top of it, then roll it into battle. Doesn’t have to be a perfect fit to be effective: “Good Enough” is the gold standard in war. For example, a video from PragerU criticizing one SJW group that I stripped down:


"[Ideology] is a mean-spirited, small-minded and oppressive philosophy, which can poison relations between [people]… [Ideology] has attempted to bully us all into accepting an obvious lie: [insert dogmatic ideological bullshit premise here]. And that consequently, any [cultural ill / boogeyman] is due to [sin / original sin] and must be corrected by force of culture and law. By shoving that lie down our throats, [ideology] has made [all groups] less happy and less free."


Just to be sure I'm not going over post limit, breaking once more - Part 3 in a moment.

Anonymous ID: 692c57 Oct. 8, 2018, 6:15 a.m. No.3392664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2690

Part 3: Applications


Understanding how they operate strips them of ideological cover, and any dissembling to the contrary on their part falls flat. Knowing what they’re doing and what they’re really after is the first key – “If you know your opponent’s moves…”


A little bit on deprogramming – I’ve tried some techniques to break through to those who will engage ideologically on social media. Tailor your approach to the particular target audience. Everybody comes at you differently – a wooden, “cookie cutter” approach won’t do. Let them make first contact, then set up a custom ideological ambush just for them - if at all possible, frame it as a joke. If you can get them to laugh, you're halfway there.


I find that role reversal works well – PUT THEM IN UNCOMFORTABLE SHOES. Reframe it so they're in the opposite position, and make them see it from the other side’s perspective, and ask them how they'd feel. Their sanctimony depends on them being able to dehumanize their enemies and not see their own ugliness. Show them that they’re the same as the people they fight, make them empathize with their enemies, show them their humanity.


When you start breaking past the barriers and really connecting, you can start talking about compromises that everybody can live with, working towards real solutions, etc. They’ll probably be uncomfortable because compromising with the enemy will get them kicked out of the cult. Celine’s Second Law states that “Accurate communication is possible only in a non-punishing situation.” Thus, this part is best done in private away from where their shepherds in the main group can get involved. Give the sheep opportunities to slip away and talk.


This might also provide some intel from inside the group - "A runaway nun always speaks ill of her convent", but what she says isn't always untrue or even exaggerated.


Anyway, that's all I've got for now. I'd love to try to expand this with other Anons and maybe make a full playbook to deconstruct and deprogram these fools. Maybe we can save them before they're driven off the cliff like lemmings.