Anonymous ID: 90ae20 Oct. 8, 2018, 5:21 a.m. No.3392325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2516

>>3387616 4293







>Compassionate Capitalism

Like this. Catchy.

>>3388370 4294

Restarting this convo from last night w/ some random thoughts. Important to realize that this month is all about politics. Politix is a numbers game. Goal : (1) inspire as many from your side to show up. (2) dissuade as many from the other side to show up. Immediate goal is not necessarily to wake the #2's up (that takes time) but to plant the seeds of doubt in their mind (shills do this here on the regular).


Q has given us the general themes on which to focus, based on info most likely from polling research. The big one that i see is COMMUNISM. Now it's difficult to crack that nut in the youth due to idealism & indoctrination. But maybe a good way to plant the seeds of doubt in one's mind is to highlight that SOCIALISM is simply the velvet glove on the iron hand of Communism. How many tens of millions have died under Communist rule during the 20th century? etc. etc.

One other possible entry into this is to highlight how the Dems use "socialist" issues as astroturfiing. For those who stomach it, actually breaks this down quite well (see 'CIA Democrats' article in the no tables).


Also, obvious that the Dems chose the particular CBF 'wrap-up smear' to drive a wedge in the female demographic and focus attention on gender wedge issues. Best way to counter that (I believe) is not to fall into their trap but shine a light on the tactic itself (the 'wrap-up smear').

NP actually gave us all a lesson here -- take a particular issue and merchandise the shit out of it. Think it would top kek if we were to use those very tactics to hold a mirror up to their own tactics. Sidestep the issue itself and focus how it was entirely manufactured. Meanwhile, focus on positive female role models (FLOTUS, Sarah Sanders, etc). Dare the other side to attack them and expose their hypocrisy.


Semper Gumby - Always Be Flexible