Anonymous ID: e2ba69 Oct. 8, 2018, 4:34 a.m. No.3392110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2130

>>3392017 (lb)

Millions have mastered the ability to "astrally project" and have "out of body experiences" naturally. It is not that difficult. Operation Stargate and Ingo Swann was our Country's premier psychic spy. They didn't take his work seriously until he "remotely" saw "rings" around the Planet Jupiter in 1973 (invisible to astronomers then) which were validated by the Voyager probe in 1979. Now the really interesting thing is that people can meet up in the astral. The Movie "Inception" about "Lucid Dreaming" is not that fantastical. There is a Psychic Cold War going on an World Leaders are protected by psychic SS. The best thing here is that Evil is being eliminated in these dimensions. The focused Intent of Unconditional Love and Loss of Ego (fear, greed, etc.) is purifying all realms. Evil is on the run.

Anonymous ID: e2ba69 Oct. 8, 2018, 4:54 a.m. No.3392178   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Death is the ultimate projection. Souls get lost or confused and are often tied to the physical 3-D. These are our ghosts. Many projectors find these lost souls and lead them (yeah, it's a cliché) towards the light, towards ascension. For all you snickering anons, read Dr. Eben Alexander's "Proof of Heaven". He was the top neurosurgeon who the AMA would roll out to say that N.D.E.s are a joke, it's all chemically-induced until he suffered from a severe meningital infection which turned his entire neocortex into mush. EVERY top neuro was consulted and diagnosed him as brain dead over a 7-day period. Read his Book and his account of traveling, meeting souls of various sorts and even meeting….Unconditional Love and ditch the ego.