Anonymous ID: 329464 Oct. 8, 2018, 8:17 a.m. No.3393718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3393383 pb

3393390 pb

I call liars.

Free speech isn't good enough for them

They demand everyone agree with them.

It's "Q" research board yet they wonder why everyone supports POTUS?

Damn that's dumb.

Or evil.

>>3393459 pb

blond daughter's hubby has the long neck,

No time to mess with this now, but will look closer later?

Unfortunately daughters resemble parents.

Looks like their dresses are falling off; I wonder why?


Anonymous ID: 329464 Oct. 8, 2018, 8:30 a.m. No.3393850   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sounds like what happened at Sandy Tropical Storm NY

Money was stolen, never got to those in need.

With the Press as their cover?

They never get caught

If I remember correctly the Mass Media didn't even cover the floods in TN

I thinking they are guilty of collusion with those who stole the money.


Hogue / projection.

Maybe doesn't write his own script.

That is just too perfect?

They read here to figure out what to say?


Yes, This is my take. ^^^

The lag and delay is for the future.

That we would have a Constitutional Republic, which is safer going forward than strict Military Rule.

Anonymous ID: 329464 Oct. 8, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.3394345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4361 >>4368



There's something there.

Don't know what.

Obvious Coke / Cocaine ?

A big deal was made over this when they first came into power. Sort of like their introduction to the public


More insinuation.

Best proof of Kavanaugh's value?

They worked so hard and were so desperate to defeat him. Why? And Pres. Trump supported him.

Also Analogy Lindsey Graham

Worked for Mr. No Name evil


People can CHANge?

Also, Some of them will have to change or will be given the opportunity - since there' s not enough people to run the government? if all the bad guys are taken down?

The Fear Port Kavanaugh is just like the Fear Porn Trump.

They are desperate liars.

If he did type out the Act.

Then isn't he a great person to intimately know what it said?

What did it say?

Neither Dems nor Rethugs made a deal about the "Patriot Act" EVER BEFORE

What now are they so scared?

Why did they renew it?

What were they planning