Anonymous ID: b36ca9 Oct. 8, 2018, 8:34 a.m. No.3393893   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ana Maria Archila discusses how the scene with Flake was set up. Also talks later on about what that sexual assault was. Turns out the assault was by a 15 year old when she was 5, she told her parents and they didn't know what to do about it so nothing was done. Moreover, she did not come to the US until she was older so the assault and the lack of a legal apparatus to address it had nothing to do with US laws. She describes worrying that the indecent with Flake would be seen by her father, but then goes on to say she called him and told him she was fine, making it look more like she used her assault as a political tool than it being the deeply hidden trauma she portrayed. Also, the interviewer seems quite pleased about the narrative that was created, again pointing to how political theater is now the most important goal.


At 7:30 talks about how she learned 'bird dogging' to make the scene with Flake happen. Probably no surprise she has her own organization, the Center for Popular Democracy (, but would be a surprise it it was not funded by Soros. Oh wait, they are:


Of course Google is right there to defend Soros:

Anonymous ID: b36ca9 Oct. 8, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.3394106   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The left is struggling with their unfair incarceration narrative. After taking aim at the unfairness of low level offenders being locked up, they turn to the Philly AG. They point out the bulk of his funding to be elected came from Soros and that he fired a bunch of old white guys (career prosecutors). They find some prostitutes that are happy they no longer go to jail but then run into a prostitute that feels lack of law enforcement makes her feel like the government no longer cares if she makes her life better (min 47) . They also have anecdotal evidence of shoplifters returning to the store they just got caught stealing from to try their luck again since shoplifting is no longer prosecuted.

Seems the logic outcome of 'we don't want to prosecute small offenses' is starting to sink in, at least for some.