Age Old Tactic In Warfare:
Create a Diversion, Mis-Direction & Confusion
*Bait the enemy with dis-info.
*Taunt the enemy w/ ridicule.
*Lull your enemy with repetition of tactics = induces complacency of expectations based on your prior behavior.
Move/Expose some of your units to draw fire - Diversion
Observe your enemy's reactions.
Analyze the new battle-space.
Regroup accordingly.
Live in your enemy's head 24/7/365 - he makes mistakes out of panic & confusion.
Get your enemy to come out of cover into the most vulnerable position.
Never telegraph your "actual" battle-plan or next moves - now that would just be silly wouldn't it?
**Finally - When the enemy is distracted & confused & has come out from cover & is totally vulnerable = Cut them down with swift decisive "Fire & Fury".