It's worse at bread changes, baker.
I'll stick around and try to help where I can.
Plz direct where I can be most useful.
>>3398975 lb
You fucking kikes that think process errors (aka "I like beer") equate to actual faults either in ability or integrity are being exposed in the full light of truth and justice. And you will pay for all the good men you have mocked out of spite. If you think your tricks are going to get me, or any of us, to stop fighting, you couldn’t be more wrong. We take stock of our errors, do penance before our God, and show up for work the next day. And the next. And the next. Until you demons are fully and forever eradicated. Our strength is in the fact that we don’t give up. We will never stop fighting. Because we don’t fight for feelz, we fight for what’s right, no matter the cost to self. And that’s why you will lose, why you have already lost. You could run me out and another would take my place and finish the job. Run all you like, but there’s no hiding. Pain coming. Truth will out.