Anonymous ID: 484e6d Oct. 8, 2018, 5:19 p.m. No.3400842   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It was a typical Friday in the ancient Yemeni capital city of Sanaa. Led by Yemen’s righteous Islamic Resistance, Ansarullah, and backed up by the Yemeni Armed Forces, millions on top of millions of Yemenis poured into the streets to denounce Saudi Arabia, the UAE and numerous Western ZOGs, chiefly America, for the continuing bombing and besiegement of the Arab world’s poorest nation. The Sarkha was raised high. Its precious slogans were called out. Yemen’s flag was lifted along with it. The demo swelled and swelled until it became a sea of red, white, black and green defiance. The message of the Mouqawamah and all its supporters was the same it has been since March 26th, 2015 when Al-Saud and its cronies began this genocidal aggression on behalf of ‘Israel’: We are a people undefeated. We are a people unbroken. We are a people undeterred. They marched after Jummah prayers and gave not one damn about whether or not the Saudi and Emirati invaders would attack them. It was the courage and strength that we’ve come to know and love from the magnificent Yemeni people.


But then… Everything went awry. Just as the protest was starting to wind down, a demo within the demo inexplicably began against Ansarullah. No more than 20 people participated–a clear sign it was just a cover. This was followed by multiple shootings and stabbings carried out against the revolutionary youth that gathered there under the protection of the Yemeni Resistance. Sami al-Massouri, an Ansarullahi organizer and activist, was targeted in one of the knife attacks and died from blood loss just as he got to the hospital. Coupling this blatant 4th Generation Warfare was a simultaneous online campaign bashing the Yemeni Men of God launched by Al-Islah (Yemeni “Muslim” Brotherhood) cadres and collaborationist Yemeni liberals linked to the Open Society Foundations of George Soros, i.e. the types that spoke to Soros-funded Shamnesty International for its now-infamous report on “human rights abuses” committed by Ansarullah. The coordination definitely meant there was something bigger afoot, most certainly because it came on the heels of the Zionist media’s false–not to mention asinine–accusations of racism against the Houthis in regards to the horrors in Aslam, Hajjah.


These Ikhwanjis and Sorosites went on rampages across Facebook and Twitter accusing the Houthiyeen of arresting, beating and torturing women. Saudi Arabia’s Al-Arabiya (read: Al-Ibriyya)and the Qatari-British Middle East Eye joined in the cacophony of hasbara. Nothing could be further from the truth however. What actually happened is that scores of people were indeed picked up in a security sweep, as is customary anywhere on Earth during a demonstration of this size which is hit with such a violent incident. But those who had nothing to do with the subversion… were immediately released. Not a one was beaten. Not a one was tortured. Especially not any women. And those who were in fact involved with the chaos and Sami al-Massouri’s murder remain in custody as Yemen’s guardians are picking apart the networks responsible.

Anonymous ID: 484e6d Oct. 8, 2018, 5:20 p.m. No.3400872   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In a major development, Russian economy’s de-dollarization project that was announced in September by Russian VTB chairman Andrei Kostin, has been confirmed Monday and is moving forward now. This measure, Kostin said, could minimize the negative effect of US sanctions on the Russian economy.


Anton Siluanov, Russian Finance Minister, commented that the process of de-dollarization will not be similar to the Argentine scenario (the exchange of assets in dollars for assets in national currency), or that of Uzbekistan (the veto to the free movement of foreign currencies) . According to Siluanov, the Russian authorities are working to avoid using the dollar in foreign trade, and start to carry out transactions in euros, rubles and other currencies.


“We will introduce tax preferences, we will talk about the quick refund of value added tax on exports,” Siluánov explained.


“The list of countries that want to reduce their dependence on the US currency is large and includes all states that have already suffered or those who fear suffering from the dollar’s extremism,” the author said.


“Europeans would benefit if Russia were to use the euro because they now have to take into account all the risks linked to exchange rate volatility. BRICS countries, and others like Iran and Turkey, also want to avoid the dollar,” said Anatoly Aksakov, chair of the State Duma Committee (lower house of the Russian parliament) for the Financial Markets.


Mirzayan, for his part, stressed that the de-dollarization of Russian foreign trade is a very reasonable measure from the political point of view. However, economically it is difficult to perform.


“In order to be able to use national currencies in bilateral trade, it is necessary that this trade be done without imbalances,” he said.


Currently, Russian exports to Turkey exceed US $18 billion and imports reach only US $3 billion. In this case, according to MirzayĂĄn, if both countries continue to use national currencies in trade, Russia may accumulate many reserves of lira, while Turkey will have no rubles.


Despite this risk and the fact that both the ruble and the national currencies of other countries are not currently sufficiently secure assets, the authors of dedollarization indicate that, for the time being, this is just an initiative that is in its infancy. According to Kostin, the implementation of this project in Russia will take at least five years.


“The more Washington abuses its control over the dollar, the more the Russian authorities, not just those in Russia, will be convinced that the de-dollarization is worth it,” concludes the analyst.

Anonymous ID: 484e6d Oct. 8, 2018, 5:23 p.m. No.3400906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Both singing so quite possibly, but I think they are screwed and looking at life instead of death for their crimes. This sentence was a primer to get things rolling on their deals which most likely gives them a little time before the hammer drops.