To sum up: The only way to create perpetual energy is to give energy to others - rather then acting like we are in a pool and drowning, pulling own anyone else around us, usually resulting in all drowning.
Instead it shows that when two people give to each other, at the same time, it creates a amplification of energy, EI PERPETUAL ENERGY!!!! TESLA PEOPLE!!!!
Meaningful coincidences.
>We are at a point in the developmental history of human consciousness where development will accelerate. The major evidence for this is the increased number of meaningful coincidences people are noticing in their lives.
Historical perspective.
>This point in human history can best be understood by a revisioning of the past millennium. In the early part of the millennium, human consciousness was dominated by beliefs promulgated by the Catholic Church: one's proper place in society, humanity at the center of the universe, and the battle between good and evil. These beliefs gave meaning to life. This domination was challenged during the Renaissance and Reformation. At that time, humanity established a grand project of exploring the world, using the tools of science, with the hope of getting a new answer to the meaning of life. While waiting for that answer to come in, attention turned to increasing material comfort. That project is now at an end–material comfort has been achieved, but we have lost touch with sources of meaning. Moreover, the answers we wanted are now appearing–not necessarily from institutional science, but from a variety of sources.
Subtle energy.
>There is an energy, previously undetected by science, that forms the basis of all things. Human perception of that energy starts with an increased awareness of beauty: people, animals, plants, ecosystems that have a high level of that energy appear particularly beautiful. By becoming aware of that energy, we become able to notice when and how we give and receive energy.
Competition for energy.
>A fundamental assumption underlies most human interactions: we must compete for this energy, drawing it from others and protecting ourselves from others' attempts to draw it from us. This leads to some nasty interactions.
Energy abundance.
>In fact, competition is unnecessary because subtle energy exists in abundance. In particular, we can acquire more by eating plants which have high energy levels. (And we can ensure that the plants have high energy levels by paying attention to them, by giving them energy.) Being in a loving state not only connects our energy to the object of our love, but to a greater source of energy as well. This is the essence of mystical experience. The goal of mystical practice - and practice of the lessons of the Celestine Prophecy - is to get and remain connected with the energy. >Moreover, a person's energy is the source of the meaningful coincidences noticed in the First Insight. Each mystical experience stretches a person's potential, causing them to exist "at a higher state of vibration".
>The best description of all this comes a little later in the book. Father Sanchez says, "Love is not an intellectual concept or a moral imperative or anything else. It is a background emotion that exists when one is connected to the energy available in the universe, which , of course, is the energy of God."