Wake up, Q. You don't "know better."
You sound like a fucking demoncrat. Justice delayed is justice denied.
Dont wait until YOUR loved ones are eliminated.
Shes a real Ivanka of Noko, viz., close that border again.
Normies believe whatever the tv tells them. Just put the arrest charges on tv and film the trials. When its "not cool" to be a demoncrat, they will leave in droves. Demoncrats are brainwashed tv addicts. Just put it all on tv. Duh.
Logical Fallacy: The govt knows best.
Secret govt is crooked.
POTUS works for us. Investigators and witnesses continue to die.
"Free Beer Tomorrow. Q"
Who cares? Arrest the demoncrats and put it all on tv for the normies.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
Agree. People are dying. Justice delayed is justice denied.
"Good enough for govt work" dont cut it here.
Correct. I already had the Soetero Admin and its crooked minions deliberately destroy my entire estate, business, career and family 7-8 years ago. Fuck being patient, I want to see them tried and convicted and sentenced.
Oh well, you see, that info is "secret" because "we wouldnt understand."
"Agree with me, or dont participate in the discussion."
Fuck you, Q, you work for US, not vice versa.
Wake the fuck up. Shit job on the budget btw, but Im sure CS is happy enough .
Yeah, not sure how Soros became Dr Evil in one lifetime.
The judicial branch is as corrupt as the other branches.
Free Beer Tomorrow. Q
Agree. People believe whatever the media tells them. Hence, Resident Soetero.
If you dont agree, do not speak. Adolph Q. Hitler
More likely a Kabal Killing.
Q seems to have mistaken "agreement" for "discussion." Basic fallacy.
Good thing Socrates had no such policy, we would have never heard of him.
Prolly a witness killing by the Kabal. If your father or daughter was on the plane, "just be patient."
Why dont you learn reading comprehension rather than just uselessly eat more?