>Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year?
To show there's no real conflict between N&S.
>Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?
Prevents direct attack on Olympics - NK wouldn't kill their own sister with Olympic attack.
>Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out?
Enter into a situation where attack is strategically absurd.
>Ask yourself, what is a distraction?
Anything that coerces attention away from more important focus.
>Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?
Attack from one side or the other becomes strategically absurd.
>Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games?
Arrests - someone involved in proxy control of NK was taken out. (← ?)
>Ask yourself, what does FREED mean?
Proxy control is removed.
>Ask yourself, do we want a WAR?
No. Nobody does except a cabal.
>Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?
Criminal cabal.
>Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?
False flag to convince populations to participate in the distraction of war.
>Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?
Unprovoked attack - criminal action. Wars are an artificial construct created by criminals to gain power.
>Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"
Not yet. We're getting closer but we have to educate the masses first.
>Be the autists we know you are.
Negative. Autism is just as fictitious as everything else we've been taught. "Autists" are just smart in various ways. "Autism" is just one more form of division. Don't let them divide us.
>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
Well said.
Love you, Q (no homo)