Anonymous ID: 09d292 Oct. 8, 2018, 8:16 p.m. No.3403373   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Been pondering for months your comments about social media and whether they will be regulated or broken up/closed.


Obviously, social media for good or ill, is and will continue to be important and essential.


However, the current social media companies have and continue to be so egregious and flagrant in their sick and evil behavior that they need to go.


My suggestions/votes/what have yous:

1) Google - break up into multiple companies, with companies of core systems to all. Regulate search provisions to affect all present and future search providers re: neutrality of search results


2) Facebook - since cabal/cia/etc used them to kill and replace myspace and other companies, karma would suggest it should go as well. That may be too hard to do, as so much is built into and around facebook by other companies. However, not to do so would re-invite abuse going forward - so again perhaps break into multiple mini-facebooks?


3) Twitter - many people used to @ as a handle. The past months have shown how much twitter is used for communications - often replacing email, etc. The best solution here seems to be turn it into a government regulated entity. Break up might also be possible - but it risks pulling the ease of using a single twitter handle apart, so that seems not the best answer here.


One problem with social media companies, and tech in general, is the heavy hand and presence of network effects. Removing the current players entirely would just lead to the next group of players that win via these netowrk effects. Even a race by a breakup of current players might end up having the same result as teh AT&T breakup - they slowly merge or die off leaving only a few players down the road anyway….


Good Luck!!!!