Anonymous ID: 6913d7 Oct. 8, 2018, 8:15 p.m. No.3403365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3392 >>3403 >>3404 >>3410 >>3466 >>3510

Hey q,


Real fucking question. If this same situation was going on, truths and info

And cabal. Back when our founding fathers decided the tell England to eat a fat dick, would they have "trusted" the plan and just let him happen? Or would have they taken up arms and "doxx" themselves by signing they declaration of independence and used their lives as the bricks for the foundation of our republic and the blood of the brit fucks as the mortar?


Is this not our fucking country? Our republic? Or are we too stupid to "know" the plan and understand it all? Fuck that…pull the fucking trigger and hang the mother fuckers. At this point this circus is like a parent or wive enabling the addiction of their kid/husband.


I am not a concern fag, i am a fucking pissed off and sick of this bullshit fag. Our goverment is supposed to be of the people by the people. I would never fucking allow this bullshit in my house, why would i be okay with it in my country?


Shit or get off the pot. This is becoming toxic for everyone…ill say it again. We have big shoulders, and a little intelligence…after all didnt we elect 45? Werent we smart enough and "awake " enough to do so?

Anonymous ID: 6913d7 Oct. 8, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.3403532   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I get you man. Ill go back to lurking.


The other 2 "operators" who answered me thank you. I amazed how many bad ass operators keep it legit in this place.