Anonymous ID: efda36 Oct. 8, 2018, 7:58 p.m. No.3403138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1995 Midterms Dig

1995 saw the Republicans sweet the midterms because of patriots like not so unlike ourselves who were resisting the liberal Clinton administration and the corruption of the democrats.

After the first 100 days, their slogan became “Promises Made, Promises Kept” – They began passing legislation through congress on day 1.

Interesting dig if anyone cares to look into it.

All information sourced from the national archives.

Anonymous ID: efda36 Oct. 8, 2018, 8:15 p.m. No.3403366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3491

Found a comment nugget on the UCMJ site. Ex-military guy convicted on felony charges involving a 12 year old girl…..then is allowed to use his GI Bill and starts a film and media company in LA where his first project was a COOKBOOK. Can autists help track this fuckwad?


Amy E. Zay

October 8th, 2013 on 11:32 pm


I am trying to determine who I can speak to about my ex-husband. Upon his separation from the Navy in 2010, he was arrested no more than 2 months later of a sex crime involving a 12 year old girl and he was subsequently convicted on felony charges. I have heard that the Navy could have recalled him and given him Court Martial. Further, after his conviction, he went to film school on the GI Bill through his Naval benefits and opened his own film/online media corporation in LA last year and is now working on his first project – a children’s cookbook. Please advise as to who I could speak to about his crime and how it affects his Naval benefits. thank you – amy e. zay 970.901.5061

Anonymous ID: efda36 Oct. 8, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.3403527   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I dont know but its fucked up. Sounds to me by her comment the military paid for her ex husband to live out his life as a pedophile. What connections does he have ffs?