China & Xi & Trump
Having experience in China from 2006 - 2014 & experience with how the Chinese think.
It occurs to me that the big shift we've seen from the Hussein era to the Trump era is that the Chinese know full well nobody owns POTUS & he can't be bought.
That makes him very dangerous to them. They work off of leverage & exploiting weaknesses. POTUS operates the same way. That's why he's getting so much respect from them.
He is a worthy opponent. Our other political whores who just sold out to them were to be treated as inferior, because they were disgraceful pathetic sell-outs. Not worthy opponents owed respect.
Just sayin. I had to haggle over prices every day I lived in China. If you don't put up a fight you're considered weak. And I learned from my Chinese friends they admire someone who is clever and shrewd in business.