It’s an adipose!
Call Dr. Who!
It’s an adipose!
Call Dr. Who!
I love Justice Thomas… the Caretaker!
Tribunal investigating British Intel
Adamu is the Lu.Lu Sumerian word for “confused being”.. messed up DNA
The Zu.Lu are the “traveling beings”..
They lived in the Ab.Zu…
Adamu is the first En.Ki experiment.
Adapa is the second experiment and these were morel like their Annunaki creators. Fairer skin and brighter eyes.
Then there was in influx of the Solutreans from the north.. Pleiadian bloodlines.. Sumerian poet wrote how the new people from the north came.. fair skin and blonde hair and blue eyes.. taking over culture of Sumerians with wheat colored skin and dark hair.
Learn your history and study migration.
Absolutely false…
The En.Ki.. lord of the earth.. did the experiment in the AbZu and when the En.LIL the lord of the Heavenly command / host learned of it he ordered their destruction.
Sea_to_Shining_Sea market given
It followed the Red_October market as Q posted.
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I have begotten a son by the Lord <this word is Jehovah which is the EnKi>
Adam and Eve (not her name, a title/label meaning “out of which sons and daughters are brought forth”
The Evites .. then later Jebusites.. and Yessenites (that settled Yah Ru-Shalem).. tracer through history settle in Avignon.. in Anjou.. the son’s of angels (sons of the lord).. and are beginnings of the Merovingian line.
Study Canaan.. this was a major civilization whose pantheon of gods were adopted and written into stories by this small group of nomads living in Canaan.. el-eyon.. el.. yah.. Marduk (becomes modecai in Hebrew).. the children of Ibrum and Tirhu (Sumerians from Nippur.. who were sent to Ur and then Harran then to Negev by their god.. they were Enlilites).. each city had a god.. Yah was one.. Marduk .. El-elyon (ulil and ilil.. the same Enlil)…
The scribes after Noah for 700 years modified the Torah to fit the geopolitical changes ..
We have been lied to and lied to .. and lied to more
Putin is protecting the Russ
The belief that the Greek Orthodox Church is the true carrier of truth from Constantinople .. and the Russian Patriarchy is and should dictate dogma.
Putin is for Putin and to a lesser extent the Russ.
He is guilty of many totalitarian acts of violence. His reaction to the CIA/cabal coup in Ukraine has caused harm .. both sides are guilty of humanitarian crimes.
Yes he called out pedo Luciferian leaders in the west..
But do not think he is an angel. He is ruthless and the concept of “love” for humanity would not be the top on the list to describe him.
Sorry .. the Rus