Anonymous ID: 369767 Oct. 8, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.3405118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5141 >>5146 >>5149

Whenever you have a knee-jerk reaction to something

You are probably working for the Illuminati

Who have been training you your whole life

Rehearsing scenarios again and again


If you haven't consciously worked against that programming

Then your gut feel and knee-jerk reactions are COMPED

You are the enemy

Be a friend to yourself and slow down, think, reason it out logically

Special forces train intensely over and over again

Learning how to do things so well that it becomes automatic

To do the right thing

Until you have gone through similar intense training


Then you need to choose your actions carefully

Use logic

Take your time

Do not rush in

Because only fools rush in where angels fear to tread

So make sure to pray before you act


Is good advice for every one of us

Anonymous ID: 369767 Oct. 8, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.3405170   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Henry Ford points out why we find concernfags to be annoying.


If you can't be positive all the time, then download the attached book and read it.

It worked for Donald Trump.


What I mean is that the author, Norman Vincent Peale, was the Trump' family's minister and Donald heard these messages in his church every Sunday.

We all need to do better and


Anonymous ID: 369767 Oct. 8, 2018, 11:13 p.m. No.3405322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We all need to balance our

Low Order Thinking Skills with our

High Order Thinking Skills in order

To truly BE BEST when it comes to

Critical Thinking.

Anonymous ID: 369767 Oct. 8, 2018, 11:48 p.m. No.3405553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5558



Now that we know that Baphomet, the god of the Templars, was really Sophia, the Greek goddess of wisdom, written using a cypher dating back to 500 BC, there is a real possibility that certain historical events have been drastically misinterpreted.


In medieval times some though that Baphomet was just a corrupted for of Mahomet, the muslim prophet of Allah. But this is clearly wrong. The Templar's had a symbol of Baphomet which was a Goat's head, with a candle in the top. In Islam, candles are not used at all, and the Arabs have no tradition of using candles. Further north in Palestine where candlesticks have been found in Muslim houses, we notice that they always hold 5 or two candles. This is because the Palestinian Muslims were originally crypto-Jews who secretly kept the Jewish faith, and put the two candlestick side by side when they wanted a menorah. As for the goat head, there is no reason why an Arab would use this as a holy symbol. However in Greek gnostic cults, the goat was seen as a symbol of Sophia, goddess of wisdom.


I propose one step further. What if the medieval folk were right about the association between Baphomet and Mahomet? Could it be that an unnamed prophet of Allat was an initiate into a Greek gnostic cult of Sophia and that this person referred to the goddess alternately as Allat and Baphomet? And that when the teachings spread from the town where they were started, people who heard them at 3rd and 4th hand from the source, assuming that God was a man, used the name Allah for God, and assumed that Baphomet was his prophet? Only in Arabic there is no way that Baphomet can be a word. But the very similar sounding Mahomet means MAN OF PRAISE and that is what stuck.


This new religion of Islam swept the region and details of its origins and the WOMAN who was now named Muhammad, faded from memory.


Only in the north, where the Greek traditions of Gnosticism and Christianity were stronger, did the religion of Baphomet survive. And when the Templars were little more than a band of monks seeking to make a christian presence in the Hold Land, they came across the cult of Baphomet and were converted.


As for the Synagogue of Satan, they had branched off from their Canaanite roots, and were determined to dominate ALL THE CULTS in their territory, which they did by infiltration and corruption to make it seem like they all came from the same Sumerian/Egyptian origins.


Imagine where Islam goes when it comes out that their prophet was a woman who worshiped the Gnostic Greek goddess Sophia/Wisdom. Probably the same thing as when it comes out that the Catholic church has been a Satanic cult since the very beginning when the priests of Mithras proposed their Christianity as the imperial state religion.

Anonymous ID: 369767 Oct. 9, 2018, 12:49 a.m. No.3405795   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I used to just sprinkle engevita yeast over my popcorn, which I popped in a cast iron pot with oil so the popcorn was greasy enough for the yeast flakes to stick. It tastes good and has so much B vitamins in it that you pee bright yellow all the time. But mosquitoes mostly avoided me.