WARNING: The Jews are playing Major 4D chess!
The Jews are playing both sides. The recent Kavanaugh protests had the intended effect on both sides. It made the left look like a band of screeching banshees from the perspective of the right. Simultaneously, it increase their martyrdom and hate for the right from the perspective of the left. The (((IDW))) as well as chills on /pol/ are spreading propaganda about Civil War conditions.
Think about the word "mob rule". Who was the one who originally kindled the widespread perception of "mob rule"? It was (((Dave Rubin))) who started it. It became a meme and spread throughout all over the internet. if you heard (((Eric Weinstein))) spreak about the origins of (((IDW))) and how he he came up with the name, he said he knew it would become "memetic". They know how to drop memes and what will become effective. "Mob rule" was a perfectly orchestrated meme.
Then you have (((Sam Harris))) who has been talking about free will vs. determinism for years. I partly agree with him, determinism is true only if you do a post-hoc analysis of an action, but people do consider variables when they are actually making decisions. His goal is to reuduce the perception that people have "freedom" or they make rational decisions, or they are a "mob" who should not be given decision making responsibility.
Then you have this interview, which (((Sam Harris))) retweeted, which fully fleshes out the propaganda.
These three Jews are redefining the words "free will" to mean any action that is influenced. But ofcourse as a matter of fact, all actions and thoughts regardless of what it is, are influenced, that doesn't abolish "free will".
(((Yuval))) especially is a liar like most Jews. On Sam Harris's podcast he pretended to be a nationalist, for instance. But in this leftist Wired interview he re-tailors his dialogue towards a leftist audience. He says that people who support Brexit and Putin don't have free will, for instance.
What's the objective?: They want to once again cause a revolution in this country similar to what happened in Russia, and then after a side has won they will ride in with tanks and take over power exactly as what happened after the Russian Revolution when the Bolsheviks took over power after the Revolution. And ofcourse they will justify their non-democratic government by saying that people are the "mob" and don't have decision making capacity or free will.
Be careful goys, there are terrible conspiracies afoot.