quick follow up for the anon who replied to my post.
if you want to dive into the harris case, look at iharris.us
people of interest -
Sabra Dabbs - brought in billions in fake bounds. used as pump for fronthaul execs. Ties to Clinton.
Dave Pearly - front haul exec sold $12 million illegal shares and more.
Mike Alexander - front haul exec. was he really banging the Alana Black the SEC investigator?
Michael Hollbrook - cia scum?
Harris - the fall guy. Air Force Veteran, Treasury ties, very honorable American.
At a minimum this case proves Yates has done dirty work for the cabal all the way back to 2008. It also connects SEC attorneys, fbi agent, another justice dept prosecutor turned judge, and another very questionable judge at best. It is a cluster fuck of cluster fucks. A good man went down to cover for these scumbags sins.
At worst it exposes billions of foreign bonds used to manipulate u.s. markets.
Exposes millions in fake shares in the market.
Complete oversight corruption.
and so fucking much more.
About Harris….
This is a man that coordinated a $500 BILLION U.S. Treasury Bond purchase for the fucking VATICAN. He also moved a shitload of clown money in his day. Harris needs help Q.