Anonymous ID: 8dae8e Oct. 8, 2018, 11:03 p.m. No.3405252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5283 >>5314 >>5527 >>5726 >>5799

>>3398343 Mosquito Related Digs previous bread


Is it possible I have turned myself into a walking mosquito repellant by accident?

Biofag here. I have gone 6 years without a mosquito bite using Sublingual B complex Got it at Walmart about $6 bucks. If this hypothesis is true, then we just need to take sublingual B vitamins, while eating lots of NON-organic chicken and pork to make ourselves invisible to mosquitos?

Went on a big dig to find hypotheses about why it works for me, and about half the population, but, not everyone.


Sublingual B Complex takes the B vitamins direct to the bloodstream through the sublingual membrane under the tongue, in much higher concentrations than anything pillish trying to get through the digestive tract. I take it every day for two weeks in the spring, then take it about once a week til fall. You have to let the B vitamins build up before it works.


Why Chicken and Pork?

Here is the science hypothesis logic sequence with sauce:


1) There is a molecule called 1-methylpiperazine that has been shown to shut down a mosquitos sense of smell.


2) Both chicken and pigs are dewormed with piperazine (note there is no methyl group attached to the piperazine as there is above) Note that this not the only commercially available dewormer. So only some chicken and pork would have the residual piperazine for consumption. .


3) However, there would be a small residual of piperzine in conventionally raised chicken and pork consumed by humans especiall if they ate a lot of chicken and pork. Here is a page where they are attempting to create a test for residual piperzine in chicken and pork food


"Quantification of piperazine in chicken and pig tissues by gas chromatography–electron ionization tandem mass spectrometry employing pre-column derivatization with acetic anhydride"



4)Piperazine is something the body would want to get rid of, because it is a dewormer, and is toxic which is why it kills worms. It is not toxic enough to kill humans unless it is used in excess ). Still, eating this residual would cause humans to end up with varying amounts of the piperazine in the bloodstream.




How would you get this piperazine to end up with a methyl group attached to it so that it is turned into 1-methylpiperazine before it is sent out through the pores of the skin to wipe out the smelling sense of any mosquitos nearby?




B vitamins are highly responsible for putting methyl groups on many molecules in our bodies. [Pic related]


Pic Source:




4) The B vitamins might be responsible for methylatng the piperazine, and sending it out of the pores of the skin as a waste product? If so, the 1-methylpiperazine evaporating off of the skin, would shut down the mosquito's ability to smell.

I avoid red meat sometimes, so, I do eat a lot of chicken and pork. I may be eating a lot of piperazine. Taking B vitamins may convert the piperazine to 1-metylpiperazine. How can we be sure?


In a perfect world, California, Florida and Texas anons getting bit by those franken mosquito's would spend $6 bucks at Walmart, use the B complex sublingual for two weeks while eating non organic chicken and pork for dinner for the duration. After two weeks of Chicken, Pork, and Sublingual B Complex, step out and see if the mosquitos stop attacking and report back to anons with experimental results.

Anonymous ID: 8dae8e Oct. 8, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.3405369   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because I am a curious biofag and had to see if it worked. Right now, guinea pigging nano silver for arthritis. This is also working. (Not colloidal silver) If the mosquito repellant is systemic, and healthy, then you have it coming off your skin constantly. This is a big advantage. Sometimes, simple experiments that are harmless lead to big discoveries that help many people.

Anonymous ID: 8dae8e Oct. 8, 2018, 11:21 p.m. No.3405384   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh, forgot to mention. I am also O type blood. It still worked this past 6 years. This is good. However now I need to stop, and see if I start getting bit again.

Anonymous ID: 8dae8e Oct. 9, 2018, 1:05 a.m. No.3405841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

>>3401924 FAKE NEWS: Have 80,000 Americans really died from the flu – Or is this a Big Pharma con to push the ‘flu vaccine’? Previous bread


Biofag /MD family here. Anons. Be sure to put the informed in that consent before you give yourself or anyone in your family a vaccine, especially right now. Most vaccines, like those Chinese spy chips, are made outside the US in places where the laws are not so stringent. IMHO some of them are being used as weapons of illness. Some are just cross contaminated. And introducing constant illness to an infant without a break, 96 diseases in a row (32 shots 3 diseases each) before the age of 5 is a bad idea. The brain needs time to grow. It cant be spitting poison all the time to get rid of a perceived invader. For the latest on the vaccine brain damage molecular mechanism that we now understand, in a lecture by one of the nations best , that parents can also understand, see vid or save link here:


The Central Mechanism By Which Vaccines Induce Autism - Dr. Russell Blaylock MD Neurosurgeon ( Lecture )


When microbiologists back engineer the DNA in the shots, and find bioweapon or other contamination, they are often murdered just like you see Journalists commonly murdered for exposing the information today.


Mycoplasmas that are only recently discovered, are now looking to be one of the main reasons for auto immune disorders. Hot topic. Big study area. And NONE of the vaccines are tested for mycoplasma contamination. The tests are only being developed now. $6000.00 average for a full panel of what CAN be done. Meanwhile, cataloging over 200 mycoplasmas just this year. No tests exist for these yet.

We have no idea what is really being injected in any of them.


Lots of evil in Big Pharma.

And remember.

The Constitution does not give the government the right to go around injecting whatever it wants into your body. Corporations who insist on forcing shots on people should be sued for attempted battery. They do not get to do this because they are "private" or, your neighbors have the same rights over you that they do. Just because you are not the government does not mean you get to go around putting people at risk of harm, private or not. The change to your system is permanent and will be with you after you leave the job. This kind of change should never be allowed to be forced on anyone by a corporation. Its worse than it would be if they forced you to get a tattoo, permanently altering your skin color. The Constitution needs to be enforced here in a BIG way against the globalist Pharma.


The vid above also explains what you can do to prevent as much harm as possible from happening if you have to get a shot like tetanus, which may be wise to do given risk ratio between the shot and the illness. In this case you want to defend yourself against the shot AND the tetanus.

Anonymous ID: 8dae8e Oct. 9, 2018, 1:10 a.m. No.3405854   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I usually lurk anons. Could we make sure to archive this lecture? They will definitely take it down eventually, because, the lecture also applies as "legal notice" to pediatricians, who can be charged with "knew, or should have known" once they see the research.