I'm here, waiting for boob pics or mass arrests, whichever is fine.
Fucking reptiles again. Gotta do something about them things
This is the kind of thing Q should be going into when things get slow. History and how we got to this point. If I see another RR in a killbox I'm probably going to start checking out.
My head is pounding too and I never get headaches. My neck aches too.
So this would explain the lack of neanderthal DNA in blacks?
Who fathered Able?
Your saying Cain was a hybrid human/devil and the Jews are his offspring?
Able was killed, did Adam and Eve have more children? Where did the rest of humanity come from?
That's because they form no basis for their opinions. They simply yell at the person or thing they are pointed toward at the time.
You can see it in his stride and on his face. He's been blackmailed for a long time and now free.
Interesting, they may have been twins. Two eggs, two seeds. This is essentially Serpent Seed doctrine I take it.