What in the FUCK
New comers, keep in mind that THIS can be used as a tactic to discredit Q within the mainstream media. Think for YOURSELF, AND keep in mind there are A LOT of FAGGOT SHILLS trying really HARD to derail the spread of Q.
New fags
This is just a copy/pasta from a lazy shill faggot who can't have an original thought beyond what they are told.
Nothing to see here
You're not changing any minds here by shoving this garbage down our throats.
You are probably better off going to screwtube channels spewing off about Justice K and "Change" peoples minds to more effect than here.
So you COULD do us a proper favor and FUCK OFF
You're confusing my response as emotions.
I just laid out some facts to you.
Perhaps you lack comprehension
Well, it's obvious that you don't, but you could always
Try Harder