Most likely, harry was the perp and the butler took the charge which is why they let him off so easily.
shillbots took a flying leap for a bit.
That's a bot, btw.
Says everyone that is a part of the huge crime syndicate. Burn in hell, bitch.
It takes practice. And sometimes one cannot tell. This one has perfect grammer and punctuation. They often punctuate in detail- something casual writers don't do. This one also crammed in "talking points". They like to stuff the talking points in hoping it'll trigger the reader. I kinda like watching for them, so I tend to see them unless the board is moving too fast.
DiDfag, here. MKultra is very plausible.
I was just being sarcastic to see how many Q evangelists jumped on me, not that you're one. If Trump, Q being a side thought, doesn't do the job he promised and which we elected him to do, then consider this country gone beyond repair.
But hey, Q thinks it's wise to let the normal course of events play into the midterms and put a Clinton/Bush era flunky onto the Supreme Court. So we must be winning.
"Ask Botham Jean and Haitians if they're thrilled about Kavanaugh being confirmed. Regardless of what they say, I'm thrilled because I wholeheartedly support Kavanaugh's role in the government spying on me and spending money and shedding blood in the Mideast for Israel and the Clinton Foundation."
The first sentence is concernfagging or trying to implant the concern fagging. And what Anon writes like this? "Q evangelists"? Not many. If not a bot, then I would think it a human of pretty astute IQ which is not impossible.
Then, "A Clinton/Bush era flunky" in reference to Kavanaugh. This one is big. It's a tag for injecting 9/11, Kavanaugh's alleged participation with indefinite detention or Patriot Act. Most people hone in on on point. This suggests to me that it is trying to trigger one of many potential topics. Arouse the reader's emotions and allow the reader to project whichever subject scares them or incites them.
Who the hell is "Botham Jean" and why is it bringing it up? I can guess what the Haitian thing is. Yet another talking point. See, by now I'm thinking this is a bot because it's just going overboard by stuffing this post with a shit ton of researchable items and anons don't do that. It's usually one subject at a time. Then it adds anti-semitism and the Clinton Foundation. It's too much. People don't think this way on this forum, or at least they don't write this way.
All different topics brought up here and condensed into a couple paragraphs. It's a bot and a smart one.
When we respond:
The bot lets us bring up the topic. Over time, it gauges which topic is more likely to arouse a reaction and then it hones in on it with a couple more bots. The JFK Jr was a bit hit.
Don't worry about offending people if you're wrong. Just click ID filter and be done with it. In this way you learn.
Who said it? A CEO of Googe last week admitted the internet will be split in two (seems like china was on one side)?
Now, this? I'm thinking there will be Ai wars in the future. Holy cow.
Sauce from American Military News: