Ref. my previous notable - Analysis of "The Smear Campaign"
Intelligence operation hit-job. (can't find my old post)
Does this look Suspicious? Gloria Allred has a long history of doing the exact same thing over & over - pushing fabricated stories related to sex scandals. Coincidence?
Norma McCorvey was Jane Roe of Roe v Wade. Sure seems that she was a pawn in Gloria Allred's scripted operation to get abortion legalized.
Gloria Allred has a history of looking like a "handler" who presents women victims to promote an agenda - radical left agenda that is.
Is she a clown asset?
We've got to educate the norms to spot the clown "Smear Op's"
January 22, 1973: In ‘Roe v. Wade,’ the Supreme Court Legalizes Abortion in All Fifty States
After the Supreme Court legalized abortion on this day in 1973, The Nation published an editorial that seems curiously averse to discussion of the actual debate.