Anonymous ID: 305f21 Oct. 9, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.3409171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More sauce on CHINA;

Last night I shared my personal experience living in China.

These guys on youtube are expats living in China for 10+ yrs. One S. African, one American.

They're visiting Taiwan in this video.

If you want a fairly realistic picture of China from the inside - these guys have been vlogging for years.


Inside view of China:

  • Surveillance State

  • Crumbling Infrastructure

  • Lack of Rule of Law

  • "Social Credit Score" - Long-Term Oppression is accepted bcuz it's so pervasive, people just accept it.

  • The 50cent internet army of paid civilian bloggers to promote Gov policy & ridicule Gov dissent. Paid Shills - "The 50cent Army"

  • Maintaining "Social Order & Harmony" is very important to the Chinese Gov. bcuz of having 1.4 billion people "to manage" - Chinese culture has different set of shared values. A mob in China can turn ugly very quickly.

  • Ugly mob mentality & behavior being cultivated here in the US like what happens in China? By design? To facilitate implementation of "Social Credit Score" here too?

*Break-down individual's ability of self-control (look at the unhinged behavior of Kavanaugh protestors) = Use as an excuse to implement Chinese-Like Social Controls? 9/11 Attack = Patriot Act (getting groped & sexually assaulted at the airport now) Further loss of 4th amendment protection from Gov. police state.


China: Beta Test of 'Social Credit Score'? With collaboration of cuckerberg's FB Bldg 8? (he does seem to have a Chinese handler, I mean wife) I'm convinced 8 is used as symbolism bcuz the # 8 is the luckiest number in Chinese culture & represents prosperity. (bldg 8 a wink toward China?)

Oh, and you know where Virtual Reality (a bldg 8 project) is really big - China. Mainland China has VR cafes in shopping centers. Hmmm

Anyway, I'm convinced POTUS has known this for a long time. DJT has negotiated w/ Chinese businesses for years.



China's Dystopian Social Credit system


Inside Building 8, Facebook’s Secret Innovation Weapon


The 50 Cent Army