Anonymous ID: 2173f0 Feb. 11, 2018, 2:08 p.m. No.341304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1436

Ginsburg was probably given a sweet pension deal from HRC/cabalists for fucking things up on the SC for so long.

<Bow out once HRC gets elected so we can put some young blood in your chair.

Hussein might've been in the running for that, if not some other puppet faggot.

Now she's only remaining alive and fucking things up out of spite.

Odds are she's made some kind of deal now, that or she's [next] to resign.


Of course Snowden is a clown - anyone being glorified by Hwood/MSM faggots has to be.

That recent "documentary" was proof enough.


He was also there ready to plant/find more damning "evidence" needed to start WW3. He's already glorified by normies, his reveal of Russia/U1 would have made him a fucking saint.

Snowden needed to cease to exist yesterday, but his position is likely one of the most sensitive of all.

Once domestic safety is assured, Q/MI can drop the hammer on him and the rest of the clowns.