IMO, it's been a ploy to keep Patriots from going apeshit. I've often wondered how I would be processing the MSM/fake news if Q weren't around. Q has given us hope that things are happening, but Q is still just a governmental source and now we're just supposed to trust, when they supposedly have it all? It's playing 100% politics, waiting for midterms (or after), or whatever the plan is. I've stepped back and only casually observe now.
I think there are a lot of great Q proofs and I'm not dismissing Q entirely. I trust President Trump 100%. Shit takes time, I understand that. But sometimes I wish we were kept in complete darkness about soon-to-be happenings… instead of this months/years long Q psyop that has us wetting our pants everytime a BOOM is mentioned.
Well, I guess I worded that incorrectly. I know it's probably a military op, but I can't get over Q saying how it's not about D vs. R, but yet he's telling us to vote GOP. That turns it into total politics/gov't.
Aw, well thanks for your concern. I'll kindly wipe my ass with it.
Because I don't have a clean garage floor, what happens?