>>3416103 (lb)
Over the ages the Chinese Lunar Zodiac has moved away somewhat from its ancient progenitor. The Chinese attempted to substitute their God King Emperor into the celestial place of Christ, believing that the Emperor came from the celestial region surrounding the North Pole. This region, which contains the constellation Draco the Dragon, explains both the spiritual root of Emperor worship, Satan the Dragon, and the Dragon National Emblem of China Even so, the original message can still be found in about 75% of the 28 Lunar Zodiac “Mansions.” Thus, we see an Ox as a “Sacrificial Victim” in the stars representing the Scapegoat of Capricorn; an “Empty tomb” near the resurrection constellation Delphinus, a “Witness to the Drinking In” within the Pentecostal constellation Aquarius, and the “Warrior” from the Second Coming constellation Orion.