TEN 10 2018
Rothschild planned a financial reset in October 2018, he did so in this publication.
TEN 10 2018
Rothschild planned a financial reset in October 2018, he did so in this publication.
Beware The 10th Of October: One Of Two Possible Remaining Dates For The Global Reset
Is this just a coincidence, or are the globalists planning the reset on October 10th? Here’s a compelling argument that the reset is less than 20 days away…
This is an update to my August 12 post on Silverdoctors titled: “Beware August 15th”, wherein I stated that the Rothschild-owned ‘Economist’ magazine issue of January, 1988 gave us a thirty-year advanced notice as to their planned currency RESET. They made it quite clear in their cover illustration with their Freemasonic Phoenix rising from the burning pyre of paper-fiat currencies, with a gold coin hanging around its neck, stamped 2018, with the bold cover-title – “Get ready for a world currency” that we should prepare.
I suggested in my August 12th article that if “2018” is their chosen year for the RESET that there were three possible dates, yet in 2018, for the RESET to occur; those being August 15th, October 10th, and November 11th. August 15th has come and gone, which leaves now October 10th and November 11th. For reasons mentioned in my prior article August 15th is a very important date to the “Victors” that “run the world”. Let’s review if anything of importance happened this August 15th. By reviewing the two charts below you’ll see that the U.S. Dollar abruptly peaked at 96.98, on that exact date, while Gold abruptly bottomed at $1160.73 at 8:00pm, on that exact date. Given the importance of that date to the “Victors” I believe this date was chosen to be their important turning points in these two-highly manipulated markets.
For those who have not read my prior “Beware August 15th” article, I stated that October 10th is another date that the “GREAT RESET” may occur because on this Economist magazine cover of January 1988 the gold coin hanging from the Freemasonic Phoenix’s neck is stamped – “TEN, 10, 2018” which would lead us to believe their chosen date for their new “world currency”, RESET, would occur on October 10, 2018. Has anything changed since my prior article to point to this date as being more or less likely to be of importance? Maybe. Some people find it rather strange that all of us in the United States in possession of a cell phone are going to be getting a call from President Trump on our cell phones. This nationwide FEMA public emergence broadcast via cell phones was supposed to occur on September 20th, but for some reason that date has been changed to October 3rd. This date is exactly seven days before the October 10th date. Seven (7) is a very important number to the “Victors” who rely heavily on numerology, the Kabbalah, and Gematria for their planned events, and if you think otherwise, I encourage you to Google – ‘Christina Lagarde’s speech of January 15, 2014’ on the occult meaning of their “magic number 7”. So watch for October 10th and any important clues before this date for the coming GREAT RESET.
The last date that I gave in my prior article for the RESET to occur on was November 11th, which happens to be the 100th anniversary date of the end of World War I. As I had mentioned, the Great War ended exactly on November, 11th at 11am (1918) because to the Freemasons – 11 + 11 + 11 = 33 which is their top degree (33rd) in their secret society organization. This year is especially important to them because this centennial event happens on 11 – 11 – 2018, which in their numerology is 11 + 11 + 11 = 33. President had planned on a huge military parade and ceremony for this event in Freemasonic – Washington D.C. , as stated in my previous article, but has since cancelled it. He claims now that he will go to Paris instead for their huge planned event to commemorate this centennial affair. Paris is the Freemasonic heart of Europe, ever since their planned French Revolution of 1789. So watch for November 11th and any important clues before this date for the coming GREAT RESET. Oh yes, I think I had also mentioned that it just so happens that there are 33 days between October 10th and November 11th.
Remaining dates: 10/10/2018 11/11/2018
JFK killed 22/11 = 33
WW1 ends at 11am 11/11 = 33
Q says 11/11 a marker, just happens to be 33 days after the Ten 10 2018 date flagged by Rothschild in the 1988 Economist mag for the global reset.
You want to weigh in on this Q?
Do we have to coop their dates?
Or are we fucked and part of a freemasonic takeover?
11 am on 11 November 1918, an armistice came into effect to end the fighting.The final treaty to officially end the war, the Treaty of Versailles.
Shocking Internal Google Docs Prove Their Orwellian Goals and Desire to Squash Free Speech
Shocking internal documents from Google reveal their concern about “utopian” free speech and how it cannot truly be achieved while users are “behaving badly.”
The documents, obtained by Allum Bokhari at Breitbart News, are part of a presentation entitled “The Good Censor.” It focuses on if Google can “reassure the world that it protects users from harmful content while still protecting free speech.”
Google begins the presentation by saying early on that free speech has become “a social, economic, and political weapon.” They go on to ask “who should be responsible for censoring ‘unwanted’ conversation, anyway? Governments, users, Google?”
They go on to acknowledge that free speech allows individuals to hold ‘the powerful’ to account and that censorship can give governments and companies the power to limit individuals. They state that the internet was founded on “utopian” ideas of free speech — and that the idea was instilled in companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google when they were founded.
“An important US Federal statute from 1996 supports this position of neutrality,” the document says of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This statute essentially gives platforms a waiver from liability over user posted content as it differentiates a “platform” from a “publisher.”
“Under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, tech firms have a legal immunity from the majority of the content posted on their platforms (unlike ‘traditional’ media publications),” page 15 reads. “This protection has empowered YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Reddit to create spaces for free speech without the fear of legal action or its financial consequences.”
Google explained that in some cases this freedom has had positive outcomes, using the Arab Spring as an example. The document then goes on to list the negative outcomes that have “undermined this utopian narrative,” listing the 2016 election (along with a photo of President Donald Trump), the trolling of actress Leslie Jones, YouTuber Logan Paul, and the rise of the alt-right as some examples of where free speech has went wrong.
They use the Daily Stormer as an example.
“In the wake of violence in Charlottesville, internet domain registrar Go Daddy, Google and website security company Cloudfare ended their relationships with alt-right site The Daily Stormer, effectively booting it off the internet. While some free speech advocates were troubled by the idea that ‘a voice’ could be silenced at its source, others were encouraged by the united front the tech firms put up,” Google asserts.
Google continues on to admit that tech firms are performing a “balancing act” between two incompatible positions,” creating an unmediated marketplace of ideas and creating well-ordered spaces for safety and civility. It says that 100% commitment to the American tradition of prioritizing free speech goes against commitment to the European tradition of favoring dignity over liberty and civility over freedom. One example of this that they use is censoring racial and religious hatred, even when there is no provocation of violence.
They explain that in the past, the position was clear and that tech companies preferred to be platforms that were neutral.
“But tech firms have gradually shifted away from unmediated free speech and towards censorship and moderation,” page 68 says. It admits that they now lean towards being “politicized,” having an “editor” and being a “publisher.”
For more on this Orwellian nightmare, check out Bokhari’s reports on Breitbart.
That's not what you said. Low IQ