Anonymous ID: 8a795b Oct. 9, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.3418627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8701


Hey SHill!!


1) Have you ever set up and kicked off an ambush? How about with coordinating support by fire, air support..etc? No? It takes time, planning, coordination, etc…and the LAST thing you want to do is either kick it off early or worse…telegraph your moves to the enemy prior to and during the setup.


2) There was a SHITLOAD of work to be done BEFORE they could move ahead with any arrests…are you really that ignorant. One bad arrest would telegraph next moves and allow both ((them)) and MSM to work alternate plans and potentially defeat, wreak havoc on or delay planned actions.


3) Please imagine for a moment that (you) are able to monitor your enemy and while doing so you send out cryptic messages to your "fellow patriots" on a public board that may lead ((them)) to believe actions against them are eminent…and you sit back and watch/monitor what they do…running around like rats on a sinking ship, talking in "code" to each other, listening to them "BREATH"…possibly having a good laugh every now and then knowing they are taking the bait. But you already told your "fellow Patriots" that DISINFORMATION is necessary at times…just for that reason.


Chill out!!!

Enjoy the show!!!


How do you not understand the full context of what has happened since last fall?????


For all we know the MUELLER our guy/not our guy has been a mind fuck for ((them)) as well.



Stay Calm


Anon - On

Anonymous ID: 8a795b Oct. 9, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.3418847   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1) You have obviously NOT managed/lead within a large corporation. It can take up to a year (minimum) just to gather enough (evidence, write ups, HR support, President support, political and legal approval, etc) to FIRE ONE PERSON


2) TWO YEARS AIN"T SHIT in the long run to do IT RIGHT!!!


Where were you two years ago??? What have you accomplished since then?


Look ahead 5-10 years if you can…you would want to have this done right on the first try…no?


Good talk…need to lurk more and research…catch ya later homey