The Mil Tribunal EOs are effective Jan 2019 anon. Q are hedging their bets with a two-pronged approach with a 5 - 4 SC majority would you bet the farm? Even if Dems win in November, can still go Mil Tribunals/Martial Law.
Agree anon. The feck who killed the American Dream and set us on a dark and evil timeline.
Sorry anon. Lurk moar. Poppy coordinated the hit in Dealy Plaza. Poppy scared the shit outta LBJ and J/ Edgar Hoover. Ran Nixon's Plumbers as a spook in the WH. Scared the piss outta Ford. Set Carter up. Controlled Hinkley. The rest is history. Total Poppy.
Correct me if I'm wrong anons but Q meant that Sessions/Huber were the Stealth Bomber, no?