Anonymous ID: 1292b0 Oct. 9, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.3418967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9010 >>9021 >>9053 >>9060 >>9063 >>9087 >>9110 >>9133 >>9170 >>9496

Declas won’t happen until right before or after midterms. The Declas leads to the resignation or removal of RR and the end to the Mueller probe. There’s no way RR would be removed and the probe ended right before midterms. That would just energize the enemy and normies would be totally confused voting. They wouldn’t be focusing on jobs, 401ks or the economy. Imagine how much leverage this would give the MSM right before the vote. Republicans will need to destroy Dems so liberal voices neutralized. Dems will be defeated with the election losses. Then POTUS will deliver another blow. It will be spectacular. I’m looking forward to the election night meltdown followed by the Declas blow. Setting up perfectly.