Anonymous ID: 5ae61e Oct. 9, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.3419099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9119

All Trump has done is teach a bunch of never get anything done politicians from both chambers of Congress how to win. That and he has actually kept his promises, which is more than any politician from any party has done for the USA. Both chambers’ GOP members have a long history of caving to Democrats’ agenda. Special interests have bought them all many times over, just look at how many have gotten very wealthy while serving.


On the Democrat side, it has gotten so bad that they’re perceived as Communists engineering the downfall of our nation from within.


Americans know the difference between a politician who delivers for the people, and ones who just go through the motions for self enrichment. Trump makes deals. This ethanol move is obviously a smart move. It helps in the trade war, helps the farmers that China is trying to hurt, it adds to domestic energy supply; all meant to apply pressure to China. Everyday they don’t capitulate is ruining their brand. That’s even better for the USA, because we will produce more consumables right here in the land of the free. Our technological advances will accelerate because we are letting them have intellectual property and using it against us.


Meanwhile, a bunch of never Trumpers who lasted 48 hours back slapping each other after the Kavanaugh confirmation, are already going back to there ‘stick it out until he’s gone’ mode. Just like the Democrats who come around every 2 years for a vote. I see you. Grow a spine, quit getting on the boards to piss and moan, then doing an interview and singing Trump’s praises to ride on his coattails. If you get elected, then you will owe it to Trump. Don’t bite the hand trying to give you a way out of the swamp.


Division is exactly the tactic the is to be expected from those who are foreign assets in our own government. Quit hiding behind your anonymity, because we know who YOU are. Take a look at a great POTUS; the policies, regulations, laws, the courts, the economy, the jobs and see what results are. I get it, lusting after it all and the power that comes with it is a natural tendency for the whole lot of amoral parasites who have been mid-level managers in the global power struggle. Either ACTUALLY support Trump with your votes, and within your circles of influence, or go back home and stay there.