Anonymous ID: 5c99c6 Oct. 9, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.3419944   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0010 >>0019 >>0034

any of us that have been here for a while have seen some shilly times. but this is just ridiculous. at first, i let it get to me but then i remembered that shills come out when you are over the target.

well then, what should we learn from this? Q told us that attacks would intensify and try to divide us. and here we are! anonymity is a beautiful thing but it also can be quite confusing. who's to say that HRC and GS don't have an army of underlings PAID to shill and try to drive down the moral of the movement?

any anon that's been awake for long knows that we can't just arrest these people. Look what happens when someone peacefully raises their hand and says, "i'm sorry, but i respectfully disagree. you are evil." think about jfk, julian assange, bradley manning… ron paul even. a well thought out and implemented plan is absolutely necessary.


if anything, all this division just makes me feel more excited. the end is nigh my friends. don't be confused by things not moving as quickly as you'd hoped or thought they would. if you really think that POTUS and his allies haven't covered everything possible scenario then you just aren't paying attention. you think they haven't had the, "we have proof. let's just expose them for the evil bastards they are and then arrest them" thought?


i trust the plan and am grateful with my whole heart that patriots are in control! Thank you Q and Q+! I LOVE AND TRUST YOU