Anonymous ID: a38f43 Oct. 9, 2018, 8:49 p.m. No.3419863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9877 >>9899

Q, about the key, the map and the keystone… What is the map? It's more than just breadcrumbs. It's hidden truths that are waiting to be revealed. They are all over the place and can be found in artifacts, symbolism, news, arts. What is the key that unlocks the map? It's us. Our digging. Our digesting information and regurgitating it to others.


So what is the keystone? It's the one thing that holds the entire awakening together. The keystone is our talking to our friends and acquaintances. Spreading information down the arch until it reaches every corner of the Earth.


The Great Awakening is not about getting crumbs from Q and then believing whatever Q says. It's about learning to think for ourselves. To be independent minded and aware of the snares that have been around us. This movement will last much longer than Q and much longer than us as individuals. It's about learning how to think for ourselves, uncover the hidden secrets, expose the darkness with truth bringing light and ultimately defeating evil everywhere. As we learn how to uncover the truth, we begin to walk in the truth. This affects us and all those we come into contact with.


Evil is like a big house of cards. It may seem immense and unconquerable, but in reality all it takes to bring it down is remove one lie with the truth. All of these lies are built upon each other. They must be constantly told to keep the house standing. Truth is what slips through the cracks. If left unchecked by evil, the truth will grow and expose the lie. This is (((their))) struggle. They must constantly expend a tremendous amount of energy to keep the lies afloat. Truth is constantly leaking though and anons are now learning how to become truth seekers. It takes trillions in assets, wars, manufactured illness and false cures, disinformation everywhere to keep us in the dark. But all it takes is one child speaking the truth and already their structure is cracked and weakened. They keystone is our truth seeking. Keep seeking the truth. Every ray of light makes their deception that much more difficult. Eventually their whole house of cards will come crashing down and we will be the light bearers that made it happen.