ID: 07bab3 Oct. 9, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.3421158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1175

you fucken whiny ass bitches

get the fuck outta here i dont care if u been here a day or from day 1 of cbts your gonna get fed up quit Q because what things arnt perfect yet there better then they were and there a nice future insight

but your right fuck it all lets just go back to the old days were we know things are fucked and do what we did then FUCK ALL

did u wake up on your own or did Qhelp doesnt matter either way your awake now

lets see what Q can do either that or we revolt against the only goverment in the history of goverments that might actually give u sa chance of real freedom

up to you

im canadian and i pray to god you choose right cause the world lays in the balance