Anonymous ID: a9d1a0 Oct. 9, 2018, 9:40 p.m. No.3420539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0644 >>0826 >>1188

lawfag jr here: Learn that the wheels of justice turn slow ……………… but they do turn.I have not read any further in the latest Q post than this portion. For what I have to say right now, I don't need to. Stop with the romanticized thoughts of our Justice system! We have corruption on EVERY level! Look at the 200 J20 perps who just walked on a technicality or the Muslim New Mexico compound ( just giving recent examples and not meaning to be inclusive or exclusive) I could go on as show you how corrupt the prosecutors are but I have a bigger point to make! so you have to research the prosecutorial misconduct on your own. Look at what we all think we are talking about for a second. We are talking about Treason on the highest levels of our Government. The same people who were in charge of placing their people in power to prosecute or Judge. This is a really fucked up situation no matter how you view it! This is some fucked up shit!

Trump cannot fix this in his lifetime! He can set us on the path where we have power to correct it but we are looking at a lifetime of hard core dedication after Trump dies of natural old age. We have to be dedicated to our Constitution!. I have seen anons fierce with desire to get this fight started. Their frustration has caused them to be blinded that the fight has already begun!

Look at what you are really asking for and look at what your immediate gratification would result in.

1) Fuck it let's arrest HRC and others = corrupt prosecutors and Judges allowing the case to reach a certain point before they claim mistrial and double jeopardy attaches They all walk free…… forever. That is our system right now.

You all glorify the use of Military tribunals as the end all do all ! You all are lazy and rely on hivemind to tell you that that is the great answer! Do you have any idea what that means as it relates to the shitload of people you are expecting to be hung by the gallows ? I means our entire system has fallen to the ground! Not functional on even the basic levels. To do that under the circumstances you all expect also says that every case tried by these defunct Judges and prosecutors is subject to over turning.Years of Federal criminal trial would be called into question. Violent criminals storm the gates of the prisons by the hundreds of thousands!

I am not trying to be divisive and I have not even finished reading the Q post. Y'all got to stop with the glorifying of military tribunals and 50k arrests waiting in the wings. Our Country is fucked if that actually has to happen! BTFO with your immediae gratification and let Trump negotiate OUR way out of this mess!

Anonymous ID: a9d1a0 Oct. 9, 2018, 10:02 p.m. No.3420802   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WHO is Q is not even on my radar so it sure doesn't meet the criteria as he Whole thing here as you say.

Q doesn't play prophet so this part makes me think you are an asshole and I should not even bother responding to you.

55K indictments and you sitting back holding your dick without a smidgen of proof what the sealed indictments are tells me you should upgrade to something higher than mall cops for you info. Some of the recorded sealed actions have already been unsealed and you could see for yourself that they mostly involved sex trafficking or human trafficking.

Q can't be wrong or right because he doesn't say anything of finality! Anons read him , do the best they can to interpret/decode, and hen dig based on their own interpretation. If you think Q said something and lied about it then what you have to be saying is WE misinterpret ted or lied! Which are you saying? We are all here ( not you) in good faith. We are doing the best we can. If we got something wrong then it was unintentional and that blows up your insinuation that Q ( US) have been deceptive in any way. Seems you are the one with the problem and looking for a fortune teller. We are all here to dig meme and pray.

Anonymous ID: a9d1a0 Oct. 9, 2018, 10:11 p.m. No.3420903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0990


you prove m point about the glorification of the process! You are correct in some cases we anticipate. Surely you are not suggesting that 55K plus sealed indictments will be handled in our military Courts? Most of the actions we are talking about have never been dealt with. Trying American citizens in a Military Court is not a clear cut subject.. It has only been done a few times and nothing we are talking about has ever happened before, Don't romanticize the situation. If POTUS is not given his room to run and handle this then we have a big mess left on our hands!