Anonymous ID: 69078d Oct. 9, 2018, 11:10 p.m. No.3421336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1364

>>3420539 (Previous bread)


>Stop with the romanticized thoughts of our Justice system! We have corruption on EVERY level! Look at the 200 J20 perps who just walked on a technicality or the Muslim New Mexico compound ( just giving recent examples and not meaning to be inclusive or exclusive) I could go on as show you how corrupt the prosecutors are but I have a bigger point to make! so you have to research the prosecutorial misconduct on your own. Look at what we all think we are talking about for a second. We are talking about Treason on the highest levels of our Government. The same people who were in charge of placing their people in power to prosecute or Judge. This is a really fucked up situation no matter how you view it! This is some fucked up shit!


>Trump cannot fix this in his lifetime! He can set us on the path where we have power to correct it but we are looking at a lifetime of hard core dedication after Trump dies of natural old age. We have to be dedicated to our Constitution!


Bear in mind that Trump wants civic nationalism. Trump has a lot of wealth that would be endangered by violent revolts. Trump wants peaceful prosperity. Trump wants a world in which Ivanka is safe to be a Jewish convert. In that context, it is not surprising that Trump wants to uphold as much traditional rule of law as possible. Conversely, many anons would be willing to sacrifice various legal traditions if that would enable the military to hang the pizza-traffickers. Personally, I am only interested in actions that will eliminate human trafficking and punish or kill the perpetrators. If we can uphold traditions and avoid revolts, that's just icing on the cake for me. But upholding traditions and avoiding revolts is worthless if the pizza-traffickers go free.

Anonymous ID: 69078d Oct. 9, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.3421388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1420

Oh, golly, I've identified a new type of shill. If we dare to punish criminals, we will be overwhelmed by chaos, and we have to trust these shills, because they are trained in remote viewing. That's pretty amusing, but it's best not to give them any (You)s.

Anonymous ID: 69078d Oct. 10, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.3421621   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Consider this, if JSOC operators have been out there for almost two years doing what you say you want to do, then what are you gonna do when you bump into them?



I didn't say I want to hang the pizza traffickers personally, genius. I doubt that I would get the opportunity. I am happy to sit back and let Trump's uniformed men hang the pizza traffickers on my behalf. I just want to be sure that the pizza traffickers hang.


>People like you, with an IQ under 25, should know better


If my IQ is less than 25, I'm not going to know very much, genius. Perhaps you can remotely view my location and telephone my social worker about my needs. Oh, wait, you didn't claim to have mad remote viewing skills yourself, you just wrote that your team was trained in remote viewing. Great. You could have them remote view my location and that would be very educational … for you.




>Found the active Military Intelligence guy.


Oh, is THAT what his problem is? I thought that he was a pro-pizza-trafficking shill. Okay, now I understand his problem - one of his many problems.



>If you hang the pizza traffickers you will create so much chaos that your family will not be safe.


If I were personally to hunt down and hang a pizza trafficker as a vigilante, yes, that would create some chaos, and probably the lawful authorities would hang me as a vigilante murderer. If that is the interpretation you finagled out of my original post then your reading comprehension skills are … creative.


>You are THE SCUM of the earth


If your argument is that vigilantes are scum, I'm not a vigilante. Also, if you bother to read what I actually wrote, and not what you WANT me to have written, you might realize that I wasn't claiming to be a vigilante, nor advocating vigilante action.

Anonymous ID: 69078d Oct. 10, 2018, 12:13 a.m. No.3421649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1696



>Hillary calling for civil war.


>This whole patience sht is to make sure people don’t start shooting these bastards.


>The more time passes the more it seems this is exactly what q is. A stop gap.


>Temporary release of built up pressure that might explode and throw this country into civil war like the Dems want.


Trump has the power to declassify. He should declassify a lot of stuff. Even if he leaves 60% of the secrets intact, he could admit that pizzagate is real. That would give people something to think about besides civil war.


Maybe Trump has to make some bad compromises to avoid total chaos. E.g., Trump might have to cover up many of the crimes of the UK, just to avoid massive wars. Fine. Trump can still spill the beans on some useless people like Tom Hanks or Katy Perry. Trump can use his bully pulpit to redpill people on pizzagate.